Chapter 10 - Black, White, And A Little Bit Of Gold

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This chapter includes music for an interactive type of experience. I like writing my books while I imagine them in full detail like a movie, if you were wondering why I add music. I'll let you know when to start it😊 Enjoy!


I strided back to my room, smiling devilishly due to my new plan. I open the door quietly not wanting to wake my darling rose up. I came in and closed the door silently. I looked towards the bed, but I saw she was gone.

"Sneaky." I laughed. I knew she had gone out for target practice. I had time anyways so I walked into the closet and looked for something a bit more formal than I already wear. Yes I do dress formal, but I wanted something cleaner. I went with all black dress shirt, vest, pants, and shoes. Moving my hair a bit to make it flow a bit, I turned my skin back to gold.

Reader POV

I jumped rooftop to rooftop taking trick shots on everyday people. Sure there was many dead bodies, but it's fine. More loot for me. I was a little sore from last night, but I wasn't gonna let pain slow me down. I slid down a drain pipe of the blue house I stood on. When my feet head the rough ground, my coms went off.

"Hey handsome, what's up?" I said pushing my earpiece to connect to the call.

"Hey doll. Would you mind heading back to HQ? I have something very important to tell you and the other agents". His voice made a fuzzy noise through the coms as I strutted down the road.

"Sure thing I'm heading back now". I smiled, checking my surroundings and heading the direction of the SHADOW headquarters.

I made it back in record time from where I was originally. I skipped in the door to see all the agents in the main room. I ran up to Midas and hugged him. He hugged me gently in return.

"Hello darling, nice to have you back". He smiled at me. I smiled, a light blush covered my cheeks.

"Good to be back M". I let go of him and looked at his new attire.

"Fancy today? You look good." I said, checking out his outfit.

"Well that's what I need to talk about, Love." He said turning to the table behind us. I
came to his side and looked at Skye who was giving me 'the look'. I stuck my tongue out at her playfully, she giggled.

"What is it, M?" I asked, holding his arm while I leaned up against his side.

"We're going out tonight. GHOST is through ing a giant party for the island. We're taking disguises and sneaking in. Once we're inside, we slowly make our way to the vault. The vault holds more than my brothers mythic drum gun. It keeps all of GHOST's plans secretly hidden away." He said pointing at a holographic picture of the agency. He pointed to a little red marker, which I assumed was the vault location.

"Do we still get to have fun?" Skye asked, sharpening her purple bladed swords.

"Well of course. Now, everyone go get dressed in your finest. This is a special night." He grinned widely. Everyone split, heading off to There rooms to get ready. Midas and I headed back to his room to get ready.

As I was getting ready I noticed something shining by my neck.

"M, you don't leave golden hickeys do you?" I asked, taking my shirt off.

"Only when I want to". He said, I could here his smirk. I completely to my shirt off to reveal a giant golden rose that started from my shoulder down to my lower back. I gasped and my jaw dropped.

I shut the door to the bathroom before he could get any ideas and I locked it. I had a couple dresses picked out, but I wasn't quite sure which one I was going to wear. One was a short dress that had a gold top and a black tutu-like skirt. It wrapped around my neck and was open down the middle. Nope. I thought. The next one I don't even know why I grabbed. A very short flapper like dress covered with black and gold diamonds. I tossed it and looked through a couple more till I found the one I was looking for.

 I tossed it and looked through a couple more till I found the one I was looking for

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I slipped it on and twirled around. The fabric flowed, though I could see the rose going down my back still. My smiled faded slowly. I took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. I looked up at Midas who was staring uncontrollably.
"You look breathtaking". He said standing up from the bed. I blushed and played with a strand of my hair.
"Thank you." I said quietly, turning back to the vanity to work on my makeup. I went with dark makeup, but nothing to flashy. Dark lipstick and smoky eye. After about a half an hour I had finished my makeup. Midas came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"How did I get so lucky?" He asked. I laughed.
"You? I think I'm the one who's lucky." I said, putting my hands on his.
"You're so, beautiful. Worth more than any of the gold I make." He said, rubbing my hand gently. I leaned my head to the side a bit. He removed his hands from mine and gently placed his fingertips along my headband I wore. The metal crown slowly turned gold, I smiled warmly.
"We should get going." I said, finished getting ready for the night. His kissed my shoulder
"Yes, let's be on our way." He said holding his elbow out for me to take.

Time skip cuz it's an awkward boat ride to The Agency and I don't feel like writing it😂

We had arrived at the large white building that stood before us. It was quite beautiful with little gold bits engraved. I took Midas' arm while we walked up the multiple flights of stairs to reach the doors. I looked up to see a giant logo at the front. That must be ghost. I thought. Midas still hadn't told me everything about the enemy. I was more so just used for the killing, not intel collecting. We walked in and the room was full of people. Groups of different but simuler people crowds the hall. A giant chandelier hung from the middle of the room. Streaming off of it were long, shining gold ribbons off fabrics that were attached to the ceiling. Music was blasting though it felt good, it gave me energy. Midas looked down at me. I looked up with a happy look on my face.
"Remember, we're still on a mission." He said low enough that he wasn't heard but loud enough for me to hear over the music.
"I know." I said, my smile dropped. He grabbed my chin with his finger.
"But to be too serious." He smiled. I gave his lips a quick peck before going off into the crowd. Skye and I met up and grabbed something to drink. I didn't go for any alcohol since I was still supposed to be alert.
"Sooooo, how is Midas." She asked sipping her iced slurp.
"He's fine. Better than I've seen him." I said, swirling my drink.
"He really loves you, Y/N. He hasn't been this way towards someone in a long time. Any other time, it was just him being a flirt and getting laid, then breaking up." She said going for a refill. My face turned into a confused look.
"He's not using me, is he?" I asked, following the red eyed girl. She didn't answer for a second.
"No, they way he acts with you is different. He truly has attached to you." She said filling up her cup with the blue, glowing liquid. I nodded. I looked over to the DJ who had some sort of llama head and a sparkly tutu. She might look like a care bear, but she could throw some sick beats.
"Alright, alright, alright! Hey everyone! I'm DJ Bop I hope you're all havin' a good time. Time for everyone to find their dates. A very special host, is going to perform." I heard her say, I put my drink down and looked up at the balcony she was on.
"Please welcome, head of GHOST and the Agency, Midas!" She said. My brain twisted for a second, but I soon remembered Midas has a twin. He appeared by the mic. He wore all white clothing. He looked exactly like his brother. Then again what am I thinking, they're twins after all. I felt arms wrap around me and a head rest on mine.
"Dance with me?" My Midas asked. I spun around.
"Anytime." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
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The music started and I started swaying. Though the music was a bit more upbeat. Midas and I started moving more. He spun me around, then bringing me back till my leg was brought up.
"You're a dancer?" I asked him in the midst of our dance. Other around us began to dance.
"Yes, ever since I was young." He smiled as we moved in sync with the music. I smiled, enjoying myself as we swayed across the floor. The movements I made, made my dress swirl in the woods of air that flowed past it. The song was just getting better when it started to change and GHOST Midas' voice faded out...

K I promise new chapter coming out soon! Love you all!🖤✨

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