Chapter 9 - Ballroom Blitz

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So this chapter is maybe going to drive people crazy idk. Some sad stuff, some happy stuff. Some new concepts are going to come in play. If your ever confused just say in the comments and I'll try to explain. Enjoy!🖤✨


I woke up back in my original state of gold. I still had Y/N snuggled up beside me. She had my shirt on, she must have woken up and put it on. I rested my head beside her, listening to her slow breathing. It was comforting, it was the only thing that was comforting to me. Being the head of SHADOW meant no rest. The fact that I had fallen for my prisoner wasn't a good or bad thing. Though I knew it was going to get me into a bad situation. Especially if she regains her memory. Or worse it's given back to her. Either way, I wasn't going to worry. I had her in my arms, protected, where no one can harm her. I slowly stroked her hair as she began to regain consciousness.

"Morning love". I said quietly.

"G'morning, M". She mumbled, her eyes still shut.

"I have to get up, but I'll let you sleep". I said to her, slowly moving my arm from under her head. She curled up like a kitten and fell back asleep. I got dressed quickly, taking one last glance at her before closing the door. I walked down to the meeting room to see only a couple henchmen.

"Sir, we have something that will make you quite happy". Said one of the men.

"Go on". I said bringing my hand to my chin.

"GHOST is having a giant party for the island. Don't know why, but they're doing it. No person of SHADOW or A.L.T.E.R are welcome". He said showing me a poster with my brother on it. I scowled at the photo.

"So how do you plan to get in?" I asked.

"What if we told you, your agents are out there taking down their twins and having a little makeover to look nice for the get together". He said. I grinned widely.

"Get ready for a ballroom blitz". I said, walking back to my room.

The day earlier, GHOST Midas' POV

I sat in my office, coffee in hand. My hands were shaking due to the lack of sleep and large intake of the caffeinated drink. I stared blankly at the door, my eyes starting to hurt. What was I even waiting for? Y/N to come back running into my arms and saying she'll never leave me. No I was waiting for hope. I had been sitting in this room for the past day, thinking of any sort of way there was hope for her. Knowing my brother, she's probably killed everyone I love until she had me at my knees only to then slice my throat. I groaned at the thought.

My arms had turned gold, and spots on my face had as well from me rubbing my eyes. I took another sip of my coffee. My eye twitched and flipped out. I threw the mug across the room and pushed the desk. It instantly turned gold due to my anger, fear and sadness. I clenched my fists and cried out. I couldn't stand my thoughts anymore. I put my hands over my face and ran my fingers through my hair. Little streaks of gold appeared. My tears ran like liquid gold down my face, hitting my mouth then down my neck. I fell to the floor sobbing for my lost love.
(Next part may bother some people)

"It's my fault she's gone". I mumbled to myself. I leaned up against the wall.

"I'm t-the reason she's in all this pain. Because of my foolishness!" I yelled up towards the ceiling.

"I SWORE I WOULDN'T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER!" I hit the wall, leaving a crack. The wall gradually turned into solid gold. I looked at my desk and opened one of the cabinets, pulling out a knife. I looked at the shining object.

"I'm a failure". I laughed at it. I tried stabbing it into myself, but the gold was impenetrable. I tried my neck and more gold appeared, making myself unable to kill myself.

"Fuck this!" I said throwing the knife into the wall. I grabbed my gun from my holster. I aimed it at my head, but before I could pull the trigger, Skye walked in. She was horrified. I trembled, dropping the gun and falling to my knees.

"Midas! Oh my god what the hell is happening here!" She said shaking that she was so scared. She ran over to me and put her arms around my shoulders.

"She's gone and it's my fault". I cried out. I've never been like his in front of anyone. Though Skye was like a daughter and I trusted her.

"Midas, it's ok. We're going to get her back. Do not go to those extremes. Everyone has been worried about you. Everyone told me to leave you but I knew something was wrong". She said looking at me.

"Thank you Skye". I said clearing my throat.

"I know this is a bad time but we need to have a party". She said out of the blue. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What?" I said oblivious to her plan.

"A giant party for the island, no shadow's invited though. But that's the trick. I've sent out decoys of their twins. They'll think it's actually them and they'll steal there stuff coming to the party. When the get here we spring the trap, and get the SHADOW agents and Y/N". I stood with her.

"Skye, you're a little genius!" I said excited, but I tried to play it cool.

"I know". She said brushing her shoulders.

"Can I hire the DJ?" She asked.

"Of course". I smiled. My gold faded away, though the wall would need fixing.

Heyyyyyy So Yeah poor Midas. Also do you think the plan will go through?🤔 or will it really be a 'ballroom blitz'?😂💕 G'night

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