Chapter 3 - Jealousy

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After we had finished eating, I got up with my plate and started walking to the kitchen. I got some weird looks from the others.

"Um, the henchmen do that". Maya snapped. Midas glared at her.

"At least she has manners, Maya". He told her off.

"Y/N it's fine, but you don't have to". He said reassuringly. I stood there shaking a bit, dumb founded and walked awkwardly out of the hall. While I was in the kitchen I thanked the henchmen for the meal.

"Oh, your welcome miss Y/N". One bowed his head. I smiled and walked off to my room. I mean, it's not like I got fed like this at home. But when your at some place like this I use my manners. At home I would usually go out and eat since there was nothing at home that my mom would let me eat. I striped out into the hall, the quiet thud of the doors colliding was the only audible thing in the hallway.

I imagined I had time since it was nearly 7 o'clock, so I decided to take a walk around The Agency. Even if I got lost in the building. The colour scheme was beautiful. The gold was growing on me too. Hopefully not literally though. I checked my hand again, the gold speck was still there. How could Midas actually turn anything to gold? What is he some sort of god? I couldn't comprehend it but I lost the thought when I heard someone yell at me.

"Hey!" An angry voice called. I turned to see Maya fuming. I thought smoke would come from her ears, she looked furious.

"Um, hi Maya". I said confused.

"Don't use your nice girl act on me you little bitch. I know what your doing, and he's mine so don't try anything. It might not end well for you". She snapped.

"I'm not trying anything. Now that I think about I never even got a proper introduction to you because you were to busy assuming I was trying to 'steal your man'. Then again, I can't steal something that doesn't belong to someone in the first place". I snapped back. I smirked and she just stormed off.

"Sorry if she gives you a hard time. Maya isn't the nicest person but she's a good fighter". A low voice said from behind me.

"Oh! You heard that?" I blushed seeing Midas towering over me with his tall stature.

"Every word, doll". He said flipping a strand of my hair back. I froze, I couldn't move even if I tried. What does he have force abilities now?

"I know you're still confused about a lot so I thought I'd walk with you. If that's fine that is. I don't know if you want to be alone". He said with slight nervousness.

"The last thing I want is to be alone, I'd love to walk with you". I said warmly. We continued our way around the building. He showed me where everything was and let me in some of the hidden rooms. Eventually we made it back down the hallway I first saw when I came here. The one with the hand print of gold at the end.

"How do you do it?" I asked looking at the frame.

"Do what?" He asked looking over his shoulder.

"The gold thing. Y'know how everything you touch turns to gold". I asked. I must have sounded like a two year old to him. All he did was laugh slightly.

"Not everything my dear. If that were the case, everything around you would be solid gold". He said scanning himself on the security pass.

"So like it goes by your own will?" I asked looking at the technology as it scanned him.

"Well yes. Unless my emotions decide to take control and do something a lot bigger than turning a rose to gold". He said opening the door.

"Like what?" I said looking up at him.

"I'll tell you in the morning". He said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Get some rest Y/N". He smiled. He closed the door and I walked to my room, which wasn't very far from mine. Only two flights. Oh? I'm keeping track? Sorry.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. I know it's only been one day, but something about him just hits me hard. His hair, eyes, tattoos, stance, voice? It all rushed through my head.
You can't love a man you just met. I thought to myself. I changed into some pyjamas that T had left for me. Quite cozy for her style. A fuzzy black top and some shorts. I curled up under the covers and fell into a deep sleep very fast.

The next morning I woke up. I checked the golden alarm clock which said it was 7:30. I sat up and stretched. The morning sunlight beamed through the large windows. I decided not to change since I thought no one would be up. I fixed my hair into a messy bun and headed down stairs. Skye has told me about the lounge that had a simple kitchen and tv so I decided to head there.

When I got there the room was nice. Beautiful spruce walls and a window looking out to a garden. I walked over to the kitchen and searched the cupboards for tea. I looked in the top shelves to see a package. I reached up and grabbed it and started preparing it. Once it was done, I went and sat on the couch watching the outside. Little did I know, I had company.

"Good morning, Y/N". Midas said, sounding a little sleepy. How cute.

"Good morning, golden boy. How was your sleep?" I asked jokingly

"Oh nicknames now I see?" He smirked at me making a coffee for himself.

"Says the one who calls me dear and love". I rolled my eyes.

"Fair point. But my sleep was good, yours?" He asked.

"Amazing! I haven't slept like that in months". I said taking another sip of my tea.

"Oh?" He questioned, finishing up and coming to sit beside me.

"Yeah, my mom was a drug addict so she sometimes would barge into my room and yell at me for no reason. I couldn't lock her out. She used crowbars sometimes if I didn't do something for her. Another times she would just yell and bang on the door". I said almost tearing up but I choked it back.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. That sounds horrible". He said giving me sympathetic eyes.
I put my tea down and sighed. I was hungry so I got up and looked for food. I looked in the fridge and found yogurt parfaits. While I was bent over grabbing it I noticed Midas checking me out. I thought popped in my mind.

I closed the fridge and leaned against the counter mixing the granola and berries into the cup. I took a spoon full and placed it in my mouth licking the spoon of slowly. Keeping eye contact the whole time. I saw him clench the couch with his right hand. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he shot up off the couch. So I was only trying to be funny to prove that I saw him looking at me. Now I was scared. He pushed both my hands to the hands to the counter. (Also if you were wondering yeah the parfait didn't spill. It's 3am give me a break, my logic is 1 iq)
He leaned in on me saying,
"You shouldn't do things like that doll. It might get you into trouble". He whispered in my ears. His breath streaming down my neck sending a shiver through my body. I felt him push himself against me when the door swung open.

"Good morning! Oh, did I walk in on something?" Skye laughed standing in the doorway. Midas backed away from me and his normal facial expression returned.

"I'm just here for some fruit then I'm off. You two can go at it after". She said walking in, jumping over the couch and entering the kitchen. She grabbed what she came for and winked at me on the way out.

"Don't go to hard. The whole building might here". She said, cracking herself up. I rolled my eyes and went back to grab my tea.

"I should fix up my room a bit. Just to make it a little more like me". I smiled reaching for the door when he grabbed my wrist.

"I'm not done with you yet". He said pulling me back.

Tee hee hee☺️ Also you will never find out what happens in those moments, cuz yeah why not. Hope you guys liked it! To think I just come up with this on the spot though😂 Also my friends and I started a clan and discord called The Golden Girls. It's a Midas Fangirl Clan😂 everyone is so nice! I've finally found my people! I might post the link to the discord if need be!

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