Chapter 15 - Loose Ends

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Hey everyone! The song for this chapter just felt like the meaning of, things will get better and we learn from mistakes. Also I had some people asking about Y/N and Skye's relationship. Well you will get that in this chapter. Enjoy!

I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt warm and cozy, snuggled up to Midas. He had his arms wrapped around me, and his head resting by my neck. He looked so innocent while he was asleep. I smiled to myself and stroked his hair gently. I stared off out into the room I was in. I was regaining my memory again from everything that had happened. I remember, this was the room I woke up in when I first came here. The solid gold bed frame. The desk over in the corner by the window. The closet that stood beside a little lounge area. But in all of my thoughts, I felt like I was still forgetting something. Something important.

I tried to think about it, furrowing my brows. I tried to think of everything that had happened since I got here. When I hit the ground, when I met the agents, when I came back to my room. I remembered when Midas came to check on me, just to make sure I was comfortable where I was staying. He really is the sweetest. I remembered how he was so kind and complimented my-

Then it hit me.

I felt my neck, and noticed my golden rose necklace was gone. My heart sped up and my stomach sank. I had lost the one thing from my home that actually had meaning. I sighed and moved, ever so slightly to try to get my arm from underneath my boyfriend. I slipped my arm out and crawled out of the bed. I grabbed a warm house coat from the closet and made my way out of the bedroom.

I made my way downstairs to the lounge. There was limited light filling the hallways. I passed a couple henchmen as I walked, they nodded to me. I entered the small lounge area, heading straight for the fridge. Damn, I was starving since I hadn't eaten much for dinner.

I opened it to see many things to snack on. Plums, strawberries, grapes and blueberries for fruits. Different meats and cheeses were in a separate section of the fridge. There was a glowing fish on the bottom shelf. I scrunched my nose at the sight of it. I decided the fridge wasn't an option, so I went for the cupboard. I flipped through chips and crackers that were sorted neatly in the confined space. I laid my eyes on a package of Raman and snatched it. I switched on the stove and poured water in a pot to boil. While I waited, I looked out the little window that looked over towards Salty Springs. The water had boiled and I threw the noodles in to cook. I heard the door open quietly to see Skye in the doorway.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said looking at her, then back to the noodles. She walked in cautiously, sitting on the couch.

"How come you're up?" I asked casually.

"Can't sleep." She said blankly, staring out the window.

"You want me to get you something? Drink?" I asked p as my Raman finished.

"Drink sounds good." She half sighed.

"Milk, water, tea? Wine?" I laughed at myself.

"I'm too young for that, Y/N. A tea sounds nice." She laughed lightly.

"I'm just messing with you." I said grabbing a tea bag from the cabinet. She smiled softly. I knew something was upsetting her. But I was scared to talk about it. If I said something wrong, she might turn on me.

"Hey Skye? Can we talk about some stuff?"...


I waited in my office for the henchmen to return with Maya. Not to long after they came crashing in. Two men were holding her arms while she struggled to get loose from their grip. She was gagged and cuffed, thank god for that. I knew she could tear this whole place down with her bare hands, so I needed to take extra precautions.

"Well well. I hope you didn't give my men too much trouble bringing you here?" I smirked. She tried snapping at my only for it to be muffled whining.

"Don't try it. It won't help, dear." I said getting up from my chair.

"Now, you are going to do exactly what I tell you, when I tell you." I said walking up to her. I grabbed her chin and she pulled away. This made me pull her head to where she was facing me.

"Am I understood." I said in a stern tone. She just stood there and glared. I grinned at her and took my hand off of her face.

"Take her to her cell. I'll let you know when we can begin procedures on her."  I gave a slight wave to the men, who took her out of the room. I sighed and stared at the picture I had of The Agency on my wall.

"I'm getting you back, Y/N." I said lowly, flipping my dagger.

"Whether you like it or not."


"Yeah sure." Skye mumbled quietly. I approached her, carrying our beverages. I placed them on the little glass table that sat infront of us. I sat down beside her and folded my hands, which were now gold, in my lap.

"Skye, are you afraid of me?" I asked, frankly.

"No. I mean, I don't know honestly." She sighed, her eyes tearing up a bit.

"Skye, I am so sorry about Tina. I hate myself everyday for it now. If I could go back and change it I would. I would give myself for her to live now." I said tearing up myself,  as well. Skye began to sniffle quietly and wipe it away. She jumped on my and wrapped me in a big hug. I hugged her gently and rubbed her back. She was sobbing into my shoulder. But it was understandable, she lost her best friend. Now Maya is gone too. Not that many people will miss her though.

After a while of silence, she looked up at me. She looked at my eyes strangely.

"I forgive you, Y/N. Also I see you've got gold touch now too, Eh?" She observed.

"Oh! Yeah." I said, rubbing the gold from my face.

"So did he like, give it to you? Or have you always had it?" She asked, looking around a bit while talking.

"I, I honestly don't know girl." I was going to continue, but she got off the couch.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Going to suck off your boyfriend so I can have golden touch! Duh!" She laughed. I shot up trying to go after, knocking over my tea in the process. I reached my hand out in that split second to catch it, only for gold glitter to shoot from my hand. I covered my face to see that the cup and liquid had been turned to gold, mid air.

"Holy shit!" Skye said wide eyed, standing in the doorway.

"Oh my god..." I stood there dumbfounded. I had somethings to go over with Midas before any of this went any further.

"So is that a no to laying him, or?" She asked pointing her fingers out the door. I only gave her an annoyed look.

Hello there! (You better answer that properly in the comments😤✨) How's everyone? I hope you're enjoying the book! I'm planning on doing some fluffy, and smutty stuff not too far from now. So if you have any requests on that just let me know! Ttyl!💚🧪✨

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