(27) House is Not A Home

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So many thoughts were running through my head. Why was he finally reaching out to me after all these years? Was it really him? Did he just want something?

I looked over at Jon who had the biggest shocked look upon his face. He knew about my relationship with my dad. There wasn't one.

My dad went m.i.a when I was about 10. I don't remember much he was just here one day and gone the next. Ever since then it's just been my mom and I. When I was older she told me that he had been living a double life and apparently she was the mistress and didn't know. She ended things with him, but just because they were no longer together didn't mean he didn't have to keep on his responsibilities of a father.

How he juggled having two different families for 10 years I will never understand. When he left I was crushed. Since day one, I was a daddy's girl. My dad was my best friend, I loved him more than life itself. So when he left and didn't ever reach out I really went through it. How could you just leave your daughter?

That's around the time when my brother Kyle and I became close. Kyle and I didn't have the same dad but Anthony still played the role as stepfather. Since Kyle was a little older he didn't care that much, but he was still my shoulder to cry on. Kyle quickly took on that best friend and father figure role in my life.

"I uhh...I can't talk right now" I reply.

"Well you have my number now. Don't be afraid to call back, we need to catch up"

"O-okay" I quickly hung up the phone and just stood there, completely still, trying to wrap my head around what just happened.

"I take it as he wasn't around" Kane says and I nod my head slowly.

"He has to want money. Why else would he be reaching out to me now? Today out of all days. He has to know what I do. He has to know about you" I say looking at Jon.

"Shit ion know" He shrugs "Gotta talk to him and see where his head is at.

"There's nothing to talk about. I haven't said a word to that man in 14 years"

"Yeah it is a lil suspicious that Jon posted that you're pregnant and now here come ya pops" Kane adds in.

"Exactly" I nod my head. "Fuck him." I take all the clothes I had in my hands up to the register to pay.

How did this man get my number? My mom hates his ass so I know good and well she would have never gave him my number. Kane along with the other mall security escorted us through out the mall as we went to different stores. Once we were done we loaded up the trunk with all our bags and got into the car.

"So you gon call him?" Jon asked as he started up the car.

I shake my head no and buckled up my seatbelt. "He just wants money"

"Oh he asked you for some already?" Jon raised an eyebrow at me.

"No but–"

"Then call him. Hear him out. He obviously called for some reason. Just let him do the talking" 

I glared at him for a second before pulling out my phone. I opened up my call log and found my last call. I clicked the number and turned my phone on speaker.

"What do I say?"

"Shit ion know" Jon chuckles finally pulling out the parking spot. The phone rang a few times and then he finally answered.

"Wow I didn't expect you to call back" My dad responds with a slight laugh.

"Yeah..." I replied awkwardly just staring out onto the road.

Session 32 |DaBaby|Where stories live. Discover now