(38) Miracle

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I sat in the hospital room with Journee in my arms, her eyes were wide open just staring up at me. I looked over at Ari, she was hooked up to so much shit with her mom at her bedside.

"What happened Jon?" She asked me

"Honestly, I don't know," I respond shaking my head "One minute she was fine, I walked away for a second and the doctors were in a panic," I answered. Journee started to whine so I started to slightly rock her.

"Let me see her." Her mom says walking over and sitting down beside me. I handed over Journee before going to sit beside Ari.

I brought her hand to my lips and just looked at all the stuff she was hooked up to. One arm had an IV giving her fluids to rehydrate her body. The other was enduring a blood transfusion to replace all the blood she had lost. Her skin was still pale and she just looked exhausted. She hadn't woken up since she went out but the doctors are saying that it's normal and she's probably just resting.

It was going on 3 hours since the operation and no one wanted to leave until they knew she was okay. I looked over at my mom and Tae passed out on the couch then over at Ari's mom who was fighting off her sleepiness.

"Ma go to sleep. I'll stay up" I tell her walking over to her to take Journee, who had already fallen asleep herself, from her arms.

"You sure?"

"Positive. I'll wake you up if anything changes" I reply as I placed Journee down into her bassinet. I wheeled it over to where I was sitting and sat back down in the chair. I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was going on 5 in the morning.

I opened twitter and decided to tweet, "Pray for my family🙏🏽"

The room was silent for the most part. The only sound in the room was Tae snoring and Ariana's heart monitor. I looked over at Journee who was sound asleep as well. She was so adorable and small. She had a head full of hair just like Ari but I could tell that whenever her features start to develop, she looks just like me.

This is really my baby. I'm really a father. This shit was still so surreal to me. She doesn't even know it yet but I already love her more than life itself.

I knew it was a matter of time before she'd be up for another bottle so I laid my forehead down on the bed to just rest my eyes. It felt like as soon as I began to doze off Ariana began to move. I shot up in my seat and stared at her as she wiggled around in the bed for the first time in hours. Her eyes were still closed and I could tell she was just trying to find that perfect position to go back to sleep.

Her eyes slowly parted and she looked around the room confused. "Hey" I say softly not trying to wake anyone.

I was relieved that she woke up. When everything started going left I honestly thought that I lost her. I never even imagined a life without her so I couldn't even wrap my mind around that thought. I thought that Journee was never going to know her mom and that I would have to raise her by myself.

"Hi" She replies and tries to sit up. She let out a loud yelp and clenched her stomach.

"You can't do that remember? The stitches" I tell her.

"Fuckkkk" She cries out grabbing my arm pulling me down to her. I laid half of my body onto the bed to comfort her. I wrapped one arm around her and rubbed her head as she sobbed into my chest. I knew she had to be in a lot of pain to be crying like this because she had a pretty decent pain tolerance.

Her cries eventually woke everyone in the room. "What's wrong?" Ari's mom asks rushing over to her bedside. She didn't answer her she just continued to cry. "She tried to sit up" I replied rubbing my hand up and down her back.

Session 32 |DaBaby|Where stories live. Discover now