(33) Early Bird

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"Baby" I sat up slowly. My back was on fire, no matter how many times I tossed and turned I was still in pain. The room was pitch black making it so I couldn't see a damn thing. I pulled back the covers and tried to get out of the bed but there was so much pressure on my back I couldn't even stand up. "Bae" I say again tapping his arm. He groans and turns over facing away from me.

If this baby was keeping me up, I'm keeping him up too. "Jonathan" I snatched the pillow from under his head.

"Man what?" He says irritated.

"My back hurts" I whine trying to reposition myself to relieve the pressure but nothing was working. This little girl was really chilling against my spine like it was cool.

"Fuck you want me to do?" He spat back. I knew he couldn't see my face but I was giving him
that "I'm finna punch you in your throat" look. I didn't say anything I just continued to stare at his silhouette with a frown.

He smacks his lips and I could feel him finally sit up, "You want a pain killer?"

"I can't take any" I replied massaging my stomach trying to get her to move.

"Come here." Jonathan says grabbing my hand.

I scooted closer to him and he pulls me onto him. He was sitting upright with his back against the headboard so I laid my head on his lower stomach. He starts to rub my stomach with one hand while the other massaged my back. He kept rubbing my back until I finally went to sleep.

When I woke up I was all alone in the bed. Even when I'm knocked out on top of him somehow he manages to slip away without waking me up. I really am a heavy ass sleeper.

I pulled back the covers and walked into the bathroom to start my morning routine. Once I was done I decided to call my mom and ask her what I should do about my back pain. I clicked facetime and propped the phone up on the sink as I finished brushing my teeth.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Ma" I say brushing my molars "My back is killing me" I tell her as I try to stretch my back out. "It's like she's pushing against my spine or something"

"Lemme see, step back. Did your stomach drop?" I stepped back so she could see my whole body. I did a little spin for her.

"Yeah she dropped. She ready to come out. When's your due date?"

"January 22nd. I still got 5 weeks left" I respond continuing to brush my teeth.

"Y'all better start getting Journee's room together cause she gon be here soon" My mom replies. "You sure you still wanna take him to Montego Bay for his birthday? Ion think you should be flying for that long, especially now that she dropped down"

"He has a show here on his birthday but I was gonna book the flight for that night. Maybe we can do Cancun or something," I shrug my shoulders, "Ion know. I'll email my doctor and ask her cause ion wanna be home for his birthday"

"Alright let me know what she says"

"Okay" I nod my head before hanging up the phone. I took my prenatals and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl so I could eat some Honey Combs. I went into the fridge and grabbed the almond milk before sitting down at the island. As I ate my cereal I typed up an email to send to my OB.

I sat there enjoying my bowl of cereal while scrolling through twitter. My doctors quickly responded,

Good morning Ms. Fletcher,

If you're able to come into the office at 11:15 am I can check and make sure everything is okay before I clear you to fly. This pressure you're feeling could be the baby's head on your pelvis, maybe even contractions, and being that your due date isn't for another 5 weeks we want to make sure baby isn't trying to plan an escape.

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