Saved by the stranger- ch. eighteen

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Lucy's pov:
I heard Natsu yell again, saying "Lucy? Please come out! We aren't going to hurt you! I promise you and I give you my word! We aren't like your father!" But I don't know if I can believe him. Out of nowhere the kitten meows pretty loudly. I sat there, looking at it in fear. That's when I hear my name being called again by Nastu. "Luce! Please come out! I'm getting really worried!" I bit me lip, trying my hardest to not respond back. For some odd reason I really wanted to.

"Luce, please!" Natsu said it in such a way it broke my heart. He sounded like he was in pain, hurt that I was hiding from him.

I want to go and run to him. I want him to stop worrying about me. I want him to know I'm safe.. but.. why?

Again he yelled out my name. This time his voice cracked. It took me by surprise. He sounded like.. he was crying. That was the last straw. I quickly crawled out of my hiding place, still holding onto the kitten tightly. I stood up and the kitten meowed once more. That's when I saw Natsu turn a corner. He looked at me, but then I realized. "You really are.. crying.." it was enough to send me to tears as well. He truly worried for me. My feet moved on their own and I started to run to him.

I tackled him in a hug and we fell onto the floor. I made sure the kitten would be safe though, so he was perfectly fine. At some point I let the kitten go. Natsu and I were both on the floor. We were on our sides facing each other. My arms were wrapped around him as my face was in his chest. His chin rested on the top of my head as his hands just barely touched my hips. He was shocked and stiff, but he soon relaxed as his hands moved up to my waist and he properly hugged me.

I felt my heart skip a beat. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. My cheeks were no doubt red, but so were his. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds until we were snapped out of it. We both felt the baby kitty crawl on top of us and rested on us. Then we heard someone shout something form above. "Yo! Natsu! See you found Lucy~!" Brett said in a teasing tone from the second floor. For just a split second we were both confused until we realized our position. Before we both let go we saw Brett making kissy faces and then hugging himself while doing so. Natsu and I quickly stood up.

Brett didn't stop though. Natsu somehow wounded up with the kitten in his hands and I had my shoe in my hand. "Hey Brett!" Natsu yells. Brett stopped and looked at Natsu to see him pointing to me. Brett looked at me and his eyes widened. "NO! PLEASE DON'T THROW THE SHOE!" Sadly for him I don't listen that good and he wasn't fast enough at running away. I threw the shoe up into the air and it was headed straight for him. It hit him right in the forehead.

"BULL'S EYE!" I yell as he fell backwards. Natsu looked at me pretty shocked, but I just smirk at him. "Note to self.. don't piss Lucy off.." he said and backed away a bit. I giggled before turning to him. I looked up at him with a warm smile before hugging him again. It just felt so right.

He accepted the hug while still holding the kitten close to his chest as well as me. I took my hand and gently patted the kitties head. He purred and that's when Natsu and I let go of each other. I backed up a few feet then pointed to the kitten. "Look at his color. He's truly blue and it's not just a few spots." Natsu took a good look at the kitten curiously. "Woah.. he really is blue.. that's crazy!" Natsu explained excitedly.

He handed me the kitten and I stood there, gently petting him. "What should we name him?" I ask while smiling. Natsu looked at me closely, then to the kitty, back to me, then to the kitty again, and back to me once more. "Happy, his name should be Happy." I looked at him confused. "Happy? Why?" I asked while giggling and Natsu pointed to my lips. He got really close to my face which startled me and I blush. I don't know why, but I did. "Because he is making you smile, he is making you happy." He backed away and my blushing went down a bit as realization hit me.

I look down to the Kitten and then back to Natsu. "Happy, huh? I love it!" I smiled even brighter. Out of nowhere I felt myself being lifted. I looked up and saw Natsu caring me bridal style. "Brett! You comin?!" Natsu yelled and I looked around in curiosity. There Brett was, walking down a staircase in front of us as he help his forehead. "Damn Lucy! You sure can throw! I respect it though. Here's your shoe." He smiled and put it on for me. I smiled back and thanked him.

We walked out of the library and headed straight for Nova's room. We were halfway there when I said something. "So uh... Natsu?" He hummed at me in response and I looked up at him with a poker face. "Why are you still caring me?" He looked down at me and laughed. He was about to say something until Brett interrupted him. "Because Lucy~ he likes you. Won't you love his pour soul back?" That's when Natsu stopped walking and we both were red in the face and I mean red RED!

Natsu outta nowhere drop kicks Brett while still holding tightly onto me and the kitten that was resting on my chest. Brett quickly got up and ran straight for Nova's room. For some odd REASON! NATSU WAS CHASING AFTER HIM! Once we were close to the door, Brett opens it and runs in, leaving the door open. "NOVA~! Natsu kicked me~!" Natsu ran in right after and yelled back. "DID NOT!"


(This idea was given to me by fairytail_for_two )

Also don't worry guys, I didn't forget about Lucy's phone, just wait until next Friday. 😂💛

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