The goods

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Bellas pov


Dad has sent me for another delivery but this one is quite different. It's a special one. An expensive one! I don't mind doing the deliveries for my dad as long as I'm being paid and I don't get caught.

So there I am driving in a black Range Rover to the destination I was given on a small piece of paper. I take it out of my pocket and look at it for a moment. I know this address. I've never been here before but apparently this person and my father are quite good friends. How lovely ??? It has a code on the back .

"Passage code : 6827"

I read it out loud then shove it back in my pocket .

~time skip~

I get to the destination and see the biggest mansion I've ever seen . It was 5 time bigger than our one !!

I get to the front gates where guards are standing on high alert. One comes over.

"Name ?" He said loudly



"6827" I smile at him .

He grabs out a walky-talky and talks into and a couple minutes later the gates open.


I start my engine up again and move forward and head towards the mansion. Once I'm there a few guards come out and stand by the car. I get out and open the trunk that has two big boxes inside . I grab one of them and look at the guards .

"Wanna help ??" I say death staring them. One of them panics and helps with the other box .

"I-uh yes!" I smirk at his response and move towards the mansion with 3 guards by my side, one carrying the box and 2 other guards by my car . This dude has a lot of guards huh???

I walk inside the huge front doors and I am lead to a long hallway with a door at the end. Once we get there the guard knocks on the door.

"Sir your package is here" he waits for a moment.

"Come in!" A deep voice shouts from inside. Woah!

The guard opens the door slowly and leads me into the big room. I don't look ahead due to focusing on trying not to drop the big box but when I do look up I see an absolutely gorgeous man standing behind the desk. I think to myself 'well hello you smexy beast'. SNAP OUT OF IT BELLA!

I place the box on the desk loudly. "Your delivery..."

"Dakota. Dakota Jackson" he smirks and holds out his hand for me to shake and I shake it gladly.

"Oh.. my name is-" he cuts me off.

"Bella. Bella...Smith.." he says slowly and still shaking my hand. I let go of his hand and bring it to my side.

"So Bella ! I've heard a lot about you." He sits back in his chair and looks at me with his bright blue eyes. "Oh yeah ? Like what ?" I smirk at him. What's he trying to do ?

"Bella Smith the badass street fighter and racer . Only child of the second worlds known gang. Next in line go lead that gang too! Also known as the black samurai at night.."

Well damn I wasn't expecting that much information to be known about me !

"Hah.. I see you've been doing your research huh?" I put my hands on my hips and look at him.

"No need . You're quite known to the gang community for what you do." I laugh then stop immediately. "Let's cut to the chase. You have 20 bags of coke which is 10 bags in each box. You know the money needed.."

He laughs then stands up and opens the boxes to look at the bags. He then looks at me and takes out 3 envelopes out of his desk drawers and hands it to me. "Pleasure doing business with you Dakota." I smile at him and walk out and sit into my car counting the cash handed to me in the envelopes. "Good all the right amount."

I call my dad to say the job is done and I go on my way to the 1 hour trip back to my home. He literally lives like 2 hours away from the city and is surrounded by trees. It's funny how he knew all them things about me but what he didn't know is that I haven't done street fighting , racing for a while. I don't even go out as the black samurai at night either. It's been 8 months since I done that kind of stuff. I don't think i have it in me especially after the incident that happened...


OOO cliffhanger! You'll have to wait till the next chapter! Thanks for reading! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes! It will get better I promise...I think ? Idk but thanks
Throughout the book if you see mistakes please point them out. Sometimes autocorrect gets the best and does random words I don't know why!!


BYEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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