The talk.

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I woke up one day and there was a HUGE ASS SPIDER RIGHT NEXT TO MY HEAD! But I got rid of it cuz IM A BIG GURL! *flexes nonexistent muscles* (I'm so sorry..)


Bella pov

Dakota walks back into the room with the first aid kit. "Bella do you wanna go into a different room?" He asked as if he was really concerned about something but I was already laying on my stomach on the couch and I was falling asleep. I mumble. "Just do it here....I don't care~...." he sighs and sits next to the couch. He unpacks the stuff that he needs. I've noticed that he brought a t shirt in with him.

"I need to lift your shirt up..." he waits and I don't answer so he sighs and lifts it up while I lay there like a twat. He sees I'm starting to fall asleep and he speaks up. "Bella I need you to stay awake for me." I lift my head up and start to move and Dakota stops me. "I didn't say move !" I groan and plop back down. I hear a few whispers but I take no notice but suddenly I see Ava laying opposite me. She's crying. Why is she crying ?! I look at her worried.

"Ava what's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" She shakes her head.

"W-what happened to your b-back..??" More tears roll down her face. And I smile at her. "Ava it happened ages ago it's fine. I'm okay now. There are battle scars. That's what I like to call them!." I laugh a little but it soon fades. I feel something cold and I suddenly feel stinging on my back. I go to move but John is holding my arms. "Calm down hes disinfecting it and taking the glass out." He looks shocked. Why is everyone acting like this. What's going on? Why are my scars that serious?

It's my past. Not theirs. Why worry. I'm over it.

I push everyone off of me and I stand up quickly. I feel as though I'm not tipsy anymore. Like I'm sober. "Why the fuck has everyone got these stupid looks on their faces ? It was just an incident that happened a while ago! There are just scars! Have you never seen some stupid scars before?! Are you afraid ?!" My voice gets louder towards the end.

"Bella I'm not done." Is all Dakota says.

"It's fine!"

"NO ITS NOT!" He shouts and get immediately gets up and walks towards me. He grabs my hands slowly and softly. "Who hurt you?" I look away and say nothing. "It's fine don't worry about it. We shouldn't be asking you these questions. We are sorry. Please let me finish." He looks at me. I look into his bright eyes. I see anger but also sadness. I nod and lay back down. My head is in Ava's lap and she plays with my hair making me calm down. "You have very nice hair!" I laugh at the compliment. She's so random. After 5 minutes Dakota is finally done. I sit up and he gives me a shirt. It's one of his shirts. I take it and stand up. I throw my shirt off and put on the new one. I turn around and see everyone staring at me. "What?" I asked confused.

"You just got dressed in front of everyone like it was nothing." Ava laughs. I shrug my shoulders at her and sit back down. Ava goes over and lays on Johns chest while I just sit there staring into space. I know they are all thinking deeply. I don't want them to worry so I spit it out.

"He's dead."

They all look at me confused.

D. "What?"

"The person who done it. He's dead."

They sit up wanting to hear more. I stare off while telling the story.

"I had a close gang member. He was like an uncle I never had. He was so kind and always there when needed but he was murdered by a guy named Jay. He always wanted to beat us but never could so he killed Jacob. I went to go get him" I stop for a moment. Dakota knows I'm the black samurai but he is wrong if he thinks that every gang knows who the black samurai actually is. I don't want all gangs to know that me. Bella Smith. Second in line to lead the 2nd most powerful gang. Is the black samurai.

"I'm the black samurai." I hear Ava gasp dramatically.

"Wait YOUR THE BLACK SAMURAI?!" I look at her and nod. "Dakota already knew this. But please I beg of you do not go round saying it to other people like it's nothing not all gangs know it's me. And I want to keep it that way." They all nod and I carry on. "I went to go after him but something went wrong. I didn't think of a plan before I went for him. All I had on my mind was him dead for what he had done." My fist clenched and Dakota puts his hand on mine trying to comfort me. "He caught me and took me to a hide out. Gave me these scars. But my father found him and rescued me. I saw him there lifeless on the ground. I had cut his face and his eye with a piece of glass." I wait for a moment. "Well now I'm here! What a great story huh?" They all look at me amazed but Ava starts speaking. "Your so strong! Um.. can I see your back again?" I hesitate but what's the worst that can happen. They've already seen it.

I get comfortable but Dakota pulls me to him and places my head on his lap and he plays with my hair. "She's not lying. Your are strong." I smile and I lift up the back of the shirt. "Can I touch?" Ava asks me calmly. I nod. I feel soft hands touch my back and I flinch and the hands flinch back but then carry on. Her finger is tracing the scars and I lay there thinking about everything. "They are so beautiful..." she whispers. "Thank you" I giggle at her comment. "I've never had a big problem with them. I just never showed anyone because of the questions. The past is the past and I can't change that."

Ava starts speaking. "You should show them off! Your dress should be backless. It would look so cool and it makes you look like an even bigger badass than you already are!" I think for a moment. "You know what? Fuck it! I'll do it! I'm done with hiding these beauties." I laugh and so does Ava and she moves away after pulling my shirt back down. I'm happy they don't question any further. I sit up and Dakota wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close. He leans his head on the top of my head.

J. "OooooO I seee LOVEEEEEE" I laugh at this and Dakota tenses up and throws a pillow and I hear John groan. "Wanna watch a film?" Ava asks. After arguing over a film we settle on a horror film . It was 3 against 1. We wanted to watch horror and Ava wanted to watch romance but she was beaten to it. I start thinking.

"Why do people say you are so mean and wreck-less. But I don't see it." I look up at Dakota and his blue eyes look down at me. He waits for a moment.

"That's a side of me that I don't want you to see" he looks back up at the tv and I do too. So are the rumours true? Why isn't he showing me that side? My thoughts are stopped by his deep voice in my ear. "Be my date to the party." My whole face turns a bright pink. I've never been asked out on a date. It's weird. Why is he asking me ? He's bringing out a side of me that I never knew I had. It's weird. "Yeah sure."

"It wasn't a question princess."

Demanding much ? Was it good? Probably not ! 💩 all my chapters are 💩 so it makes no difference 🤣 anyways ! SOME SHIT ABOUT TO DOWN NEXT CHAPTER!!!  STAY TUNED!

Thanks for reading BYEEEEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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