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I fell asleep.

I fell asleep before I could even touch my phone to call Ava. I looked at my alarm clock and it reads 3am. I'm not surprised it's 3 am. I mean I fell asleep around 12 pm. I decided I won't be able to go back to sleep so I get up and take a shower. I wash my hair , dry it and put it back into a high ponytail. I look out the window and see the guards that are on duty. One sees me and smiles so I smile back then he goes back to doing his job.

I go downstairs to grab breakfast. It's dark and quiet. It makes me feel weird but I push it aside. After finishing up my breakfast I clean up quietly and go down to the training hall. I see the punching bags and decide I would do that for the rest of the morning. I forget about the gloves because it never really bothered me. I didn't feel much pain in my hands. I throw punch after punch not stopping. Letting all my anger out but it comes to a stop when the back rips open and the insides spill out everywhere. I look down at it and groan. I clean up but then get a glimpse of my hands.

They are bruised and cut up. There's a bit of blood but not enough to scare me. After I clean it up I put another boxing bag up and I go to throw a punch but I'm caught off guard but the noise of rattling. I stand there and listen but it's gone. I go to throw a punch but I hear the noise again. What is that? I look around but see nothing but I feel someone's eyes on me. It might just be my mind fooling me. I go to throw a punch but I turn behind me and hit whatever it was in the face. Someone groans and falls to the ground holding their jaw.

"Bella what the fuck was that for?" I hear a familiar voice say out loud. I look down and see it's my childhood friend. "Liam oh my god don't creep up on me like that!" I stare down at him. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He's a ladies man.

"Well I didn't think you would try break my jaw!" He said still holding his jaw. I laugh and hold my hand out for him to grab. He takes it and I help him up. He looks at the split open bag on the corner of the room.
"Broken another one then?"
"Yup." It all I say in return.
"Why are you up so early?" He asks
"I could ask you the same thing"
"I couldn't sleep" he says scratching the back of his head.
He looks down at my hands and holds them. Why are his hands so cold? "Why don't you ever put the gloves on ? They are there for a reason you know?" He says dragging me to sit down and he grabs the first aid kit. "Yes I know but I don't think I need them." He looks at me with a 'really' type look and I glare at him. He smirks and grabs my hand and starts to clean them and wrap them up. After he's finished he kisses my hand. I pull away and he laughs.
"Stop being a weirdo!" I glare at him but he carries on laughing. "I only see you as a friend!" He laughs then says "I know" and I see sadness for a split second shoot through his eyes but he covers it up too quickly. He stands up and helps me stand up.  He stares at me but I look away and start walking I look at the time and it's 5 am I've been down there for 2 hours. I look down at the bandages knowing I'm going to take them off as soon as he's gone.

"Wanna go for a run?" I hear from behind me. Liam has his shoes on ready. I nod and we go out the front door quietly. The guard who smiles at me gives me a look and I tell him we are going for a run. There's a small woods near by I like to run through so I go there. I start jogging with Liam behind me. When we reach the woods I turn back. "You ready?" He smirks knowing it's going to be a competition. I smile " yeah I'm ready" he replies back. We get ready.




I think about anything that has angered me or stressed me out and I let it all go by speeding through the trees I see Liam slowing down but I speed up. I run for around 5 minutes when I come to a stop by a small stream. And I sit down breathing quickly. Liam comes up from behind me and falls to the ground. "Don' fast..." he says while out of breath and he stays laying down. I laugh at him and once I've caught my breath, I have an amazing thought. I put my hand in the water and swipe my hand across it causing the water to go over Liam. And I burst out laughing when Liam jumps up.
"THATS SO COLD!!" He shouts. I laugh so hard my stomach hurts but then Liam pushes me back and I fall into the stream but I drag him down with me. "LIAM!" I shout and he laughs. I laugh with him and we have fun like we did when we were kids. After about 2 hours we go back home absolutely drenched in water. We walk towards the house and I see a car outside that isn't ours. I see a girl jump out and run towards me and I realise who it is. It's Ava she has a worried look on her face and she runs up to me ready to hug me but sees I'm soaked and she stops. "Bella I was so worried ! I called you but you didn't answer." I looked at her shocked. "I'm sorry my phone is in my room. Uh. Why are you here???"

"Dakota said that you'll be coming to the party and that gave me the idea that we could go shopping now !" She says excitedly. I didn't realise but Liam had walked off by now. "Uh. Yeah I was gunna call you yesterday about that but I fell asleep." I laugh "I need to have a shower first then I'll go. Do you wanna come in?" I ask while walking towards the house. "Yes please!" I laugh at her response.

She acts like a teenager and it's funny to me. I lead her up to my room and I tell her to stay here while I get ready. I grab some clothes and underwear along with a bra and I have a shower and get dressed in the bathroom. I walk out only to find Ava holding up a piece of lingerie. "You have very nice lingerie!" She says happily. "Ava!" I shout and I jump onto her and we both fall to the ground next to each other. She laughs with a snort and I burst out laughing. I've only known this girl for 2 day but it feels like I've known her for years.


How cute! And weird 😂
Do you think they are besties? Comment! There's gunna be a tiny bit of drama coming up soon! Be ready!

Thanks for reading!!!!! BYEEEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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