Your worst nightmare

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Hullo another chapter! Do any of you have pets ?_? I have a dog. A cat and a gerbil who is chubby and cute but he doesn't like me 😭 he hates me in fact!

Dakota pov.

I get the most amazing feeling from Bella when she gave me a hug after I gave her a gift. I'm happy she liked it. Earlier on I was so protective over her. I don't know what's gotten into me. When that man came over to Bella I felt jealous. She looked uncomfortable so I helped out. She is so beautiful. I've never seen anyone like her. She makes me feel weird when I speak to her. I've never had that with a girl. Especially not Jessica. Shes the gangs slut. Her family helped me with something important so I made a promise to keep her in the gang. I haven't dealt with her for a while since I saw Bella. I don't want anything to do with her. She's trouble for everyone.

I get a call from John. He doesn't speak. I can hear someone else speaking. "Hello Dakota..... come and see what I've got! Quickly before the time runs out!" It ends. Dave king. I had an argument with him a while ago. I thought it was done! I won ! But he obviously wants more trouble. I tell Bella to stay inside and she questions me. All I hear is "I'm not a child!" I know she's not but I want not want to. I need to protect her. She brings light into my dark world. I don't want that to be taken away from me.

Bella pov.

I was speed walking for about 2 minutes before I found my way behind the huge curtain that is on the stage. I have a small gun. It's extremely quiet but very useful in this situation. I listen to everything.

D. "What do you want Dave!" He sounds PISSED.

(Dk = Dave king)

Dk. "Ohhhh Im here for your place Dakota~. After you MURDERED my best friend. My son!
The only person I had left!" He starts shouting. Why did Dakota do that? I listen more.

Dk. "I want to lead your gang. Give me your place and no harm with come to you or anyone you love Dakota."

D. "No."

When Dakota responds I hear Ava squeal and he's pushing the gun more into her head. She's crying. WHY IS EVERYONE JUST STANDING THERE?! I see red fill my vision. Adrenaline run through my veins. The black samurai is ready!

I grab the gun and start aiming in the corner of the curtain. I shoot down one by one all of the men who are standing there holding guns at people who are on the ground. I see Dave looking around frantically. "No! NO! WHO IS THAT STOP IT!" All of them are gone. Dave screams. He's gone crazy. He's insane! Everyone including Dakota looks confused. I hear Ava cry loudly and he pulls her hair back causing her pain. "S-STOP IT ! ILL KILL HER! SHOW YOURSELF!" He screams. Everyone takes this opportunity to start running for their lives. He stands there gripping Ava's hair tightly. He puts his finger on the trigger but he stops. He stops when he sees blades ready to cut his head off at any second. He puts the gun to his side and whispers. "Who are you."

I smile underneath the mask.

"Your worst nightmare." And his head drops to the ground. I hear screams from a few ladies and Ava stops down with her hand over her mouth crying. She runs over to John and hugs him tightly. I look at the death body infront of me. My blades bloody. My face splatters of blood on my face. I hear someone shout.

"THE BLACK SAMURAI!" I run. I run as fast as I can. I run out the back doors and I run into the forest . I put the blades in their cases which are handing on my hips. I run for about and hour before I sit by a tree. I look at my hand which has blood on it. I stare at it.

"She's back. I'm back."


Dakotas pov

Ava is safe. Everyone is safe. Except Bella.. I'm gunna kill her. Not literally but she's gunna get a word from me. I told her stay where she was. So she shows herself and she could of got hurt!

As soon as I saw a girl standing on the stage looking down at the headless body with swords in her hands that I got her. I knew it was her. Is she crazy. Yes yes she is.

She ran away. I don't know where to. Dave is dead and so are some of his men. She was wearing the uniform that we use. She obviously didn't want to be seen as Bella. I need to find her. Now!

Bella pov

I walk a bit for further into the woods. This dude literally has what seems like miles and miles of woods behind his damn house. I wonder why Dakota killed his son. Was it a good reason?

I see a small stream of water and go over to it and kneel down. I wash the blood off my hands and face. I look back to the water and see bright blue but very angry eyes looking over me.

B. "For fuck sake-" I'm picked up by my colar and slammed against a tree. It's Dakota.
D. "Are you out of your fucking mind Bella ?! You could of gotten hurt! What if someone saw you! What if someone caught you! What if you died ?!"

"IM NOT DEAD AM I ?! IM NOT A FUCKING CHILD AND IM NOT YOUR PROPERTY SO BACK OFF!" I hated people who spoke to me like they knew it all. 

I punched him in the face.

The stumbles back obviously not expecting it and he looks at me. Shocked but then he turns angry. He clenches his fist like he's trying hard not to punch something. He's pissing me off.

B. "Hit me. HIT ME I FUCKING DARE YOU! YOU THINK I CANT TAKE IT?!" He hits me and my head is turned to the side and I laugh.

D. "BELLA! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" I hear worry lace his voice but I cut him off.

"You hit like a girl." I start walking back to the house. I don't want to speak to him. I do forgive him for hitting me. I don't want to be seen as weak because I'm a girl. I don't want to be seen as someone who has to be protected my a man in shining armour. I pushed him to the edge to show him what I'm like. And now he knows. I get to the house and Dakota was silent the whole way back. He stayed a distance behind me. Guards were cleaning up the bodies and I went to my room and took the mask off. I went into the shower and got dressed. I'm still staying here! Ava would kill me. In fact I need to check on her. I walk around and see Ava and John curled up on the couch. I walk infront if Ava.
B. "Are you okay?"

A. "Bella! You are okay! Where were yo-"she stops. "Why have you got a bruise on your cheek?" She asks seriously.

B. "I got into a fight but I'm fine." I'm not going to tell her that Dakota done it. That would be bad. 

We talk for a bit then I go back to my room. Ava obviously knew I was the one who saved her. And she was grateful and so was John. I lay down onto the bed and I pull the covers over me and soon enough. Sleep finds me.


It sounded better in my head. USE YOUR IMAGINATION! Picture it dramatically! I think I flopped. Oh well! I shat myself while typing this cuz someone knocked on my door twice and it was 3am sooo THATS GREAT!

Thanks for reading BYEEEEE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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