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I gotta update! Sorry I didn't update ! Here we go!

Bella pov

I hear voices but they are not so clear. I try to open my eyes. But they are too heavy. My throat is so dry. I need water. But I can't speak. I feel someone holding my hand. I use all my strength and squeeze it. The voices stop. I hear a voice now but it's louder and clearer.

(F= father)

F. "Bella? Bella can you hear me?"

I squeeze his hand as a yes. This is hard work!

F. "She's awake!" It's my father.

F. "Bella try open your eyes. It's going to be hard but just try."

I'm sooo tired right now but I need water. Where am I anyways? What happened?

It takes me a while but I slowly open my eyes. Lights start to blind me so I close them again.

F. "Bella you were doing well. Try again."

I try again. And I'm finally used to the blinding lights.

(Omg have you heard of the song blinding lights by weeknd? Lol sorry!)

I look to my side and see my dad looking at me smiling. I felt like I haven't seen him in forever. I'm always at Dakotas with Ava or he's always busy. I smile back and I go to speak but I can't. I look down at my mouth and there's a tube coming out of it. I tap the tube trying to signal that I want it out of my mouth immediately.

When everyone looks at me confused I start to panic. Is something really wrong? I want this off ! I want everything off now! I feel panic come over me. I've never acted this way before but I was scared. I start pulling the needles out of my arms and people around me start to panic causing me to panic. I grab the thing in my mouth and I pull it out slowly. I see people trying to stop me and my dad panicking. I feel it rising up my throat and I finally pull it out of my mouth. My throat burns and hurts so bad. I can finally talk. But it comes out as a whisper.

"Water." Is all I say. I see doctors rushing around grabbing me some water. I'm sitting on my knees on the bed and I start to get off but there is a pain in my stomach. I groan in pain and I feel hands start to lift me up and put me back on the bed. It's Dakota. I frown at him and he just smiles. I get given some water and a sip on it and stare at the bed silently. Everyone is just starring at me.

"Why are you all just starring at me?!" They are startled and all start mumbling 'sorry'. I see my fathers hand reach for mine.

F. "Bella your not aloud to rip all them things out of your arms yet." Hes talking about all the needles needed to help inject things into me. I mumble a 'sorry' and I see Dakota starring at me.

"What happened ?"

Dakota and my dad look at eachother.
F. "You should explain this seen as though it was on your land."
D. "Alright then... Bella when you ran from me. Someone had shot you in the stomach. You lost a lot of blood but Ava managed to help by giving you some of hers. You both have the same blood type which was a miracle. You father came here because I answered him through your phone when he called you. I told him everything and we spoke while you was out of it. He and someone else had come to see you." I look at him confused as to who 'someone else' was.

My dad called the name Liam and he walks in with a worried look on his face.

L. "Bella!"
He hugs me carefully, trying not to hurt me. Talking about hurting me I lift up my shirt and look at my stomach. There's a bandage wrapped around my stomach and I just stare at it. Liam starts talking. But it's not to me. I see an angry look on his face.

L. "It's funny how you are the top gang leader in this place and you don't have a fucking clue as to who done this to Bella. Obviously your not as good as they say you are. Maybe you should sort that out and get more guards next time instead of pissing about." It was aimed at Dakota.

I see Dakota getting angry.

D. "Who the fuck are you to tell me how to run not only my gang but my family. You got a problem then let's take it outside."

"Calm down."

L. "Nah I'm alright I don't wanna get shot and lose blood. I won't be able to see Bella again." He smirks evilly.

Dakota pulls out a gun and presses it against Liams head. "Or maybe I should just shoot you here? That would be bad! I don't want poor Bella to see !" He shouts.

F. "Dakota! Put the gun down!" My dad shouts at him. My dad then signals to Dakota that I'm death staring all of them. And they all stop what they are doing.

L. "Sorry I just don't like you hanging around with someone like him" he nods towards Dakota and Dakota looks away trying to control his anger.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Liam looks at me shocked. L. "What?"
"You heard what I said ! Shut the fuck up! I'm tired of you getting jealous everytime I meet someone new. Your part of the reason why I had barely any friends. You always have something to say about them! It's my life ! Not yours! Your not my lover so BACK OFF!"

L. "Maybe I want to be!" When he said that the room froze and it went silent. Liam stormed out of the room. How dare he embarrass me. Just because he can't handle his fucking feelings and he can't get over them after being rejected by me so many times. Asshole!

F. "Bella-" he reaches for my hand.

"Get off of me." My dad places his hand back on his lap and looks at me.
F. "He'll get over it soon. I'll make sure of it. I know it's been bothering you a lot. Don't worry I'll teach him some manners." I just nod and he kisses my forehead and nods at Dakota and then leaves. Everyone leaves including the doctors to give me and Dakota some time alone. We sit in silence for around 5 minutes before he speaks up.

"When I asked you to be my date to the party I was so excited. John looked at me as if I had won the World Cup or something. But everything went wrong. The whole Ava thing. Fighting, arguing." I look at him confused. Where is he going with this?

"I spoke to your father about this and he agreed but gave me a warning."

"Bella please can you give me a second chance? Let me take you on a date. Let me make you happy. Just once ! If I mess up that's it! I promise I. I-" I stop him.

"Dakota." He looks at me worried.

"Why are you shitting yourself over asking me to a date?" He looks down and mutters.
D. "Cuz I really like you..." I laugh and he looks up at me.

"Yes I'll go on a date with you on one condition."

"Make sure I don't get shot..." I laugh and he laughs.

"I promise."

Liam is a bit sad! He's in the friend zone! Dakota is happy! He's getting out the friend zone! Lol 😂 how are you ? Good? It's 2:43 am right now. I'll post another chapter cuz I missed quite a few days off. THANKS FOR READING! VOTE ! LIKE! COMMENT!


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