Crazy mind!

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I hit my elbow on the wall 😭


I reach for my bra strap and start taking it off but someone grabs my hand and whispers in my ear.

D. "Are you serious trying to piss me off Bella. Stop it. Your showing what's mine."
"Actually they are mine! It's my body! It's my things! They are not objects and I'm not an object Dakota!"
He takes his shirt off and shoves it on me. I huff and he kisses my cheek.

D. "Sorry for pushing you in the water." He mumbles.
"Sorry ? I didn't hear that . SHOUT IT OUT FOR ME!" I shout so everyone has my attention.

D. "SORRY! Jesus Bella!" I smile and I nod.
"Okay I forgive you now. Bye!" But he doesn't leave instead he picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist forcing me to put my arms around his neck.
"Your so clingy."
D. "I know." He sits down on a bench with everyone else after he had told them they could stop.

I hear laughing. Children laughing. I look around but I see no one. Dakota chuckles and I get off of him and start looking around like I'm lost.

"Wheres are the laug-AHH!" Something small jumps on my back. And I grab its legs quickly so it doesn't fall.

"You can't see me! You can't see me!" I hear the child on my back laughing. I play along.
"Who said that?" I start looking around as if I don't know he's on my back. I hear more kids .

"It's hunter he's on your back!" I hear I girl shout. I see 3 kids running towards me quickly. When they reach me they all start shouting.
"Are you the princess Dakota speaks about!"
"She looks like one!"
"Maybe she's a queen instead!"
I feel the child on my back slip off and hug my leg. They all start hugging my leg. And I start walking along with them attached to me laughing. I walk up to Dakota.
"Did you say those things?" He smiles and nods. I want to cry. These kids are so fricking cute and Dakota says these things about me. This man is the death of me.
D. "Get off of her and introduce yourselves."
They all get off and i sit on the grass and they sit in front of me.
"I'm Evie!" A girl says happily.
"I'm naya." She looks down blushing SO CUTE!
"I'm Alec and this is my twin hunter! And we are all 3 years old!"

"You are all so cute!" I say looking at all of them.

D. "That's enough you can see her later today." They all day aww In disappointment but then hey get up and leave.

"Where are their parents ?" I ask
D. "Dead." Dakota looks down sadly.
D. "Either died during a job or they were saved from an enemy. Who was mistreating them."


He pulls out a small box and hands it to me. I look at him confused then I open it. It's a promise ring. " Bella Smith a promise to protect you and never leave your side. I promise to help you through thick and thin like you have for me. And I promise to love you for eternity." I sit there in shock starring at the ring. Then I suddenly hug Dakota tightly and he sits there for a moment then hugs back.

"Thank you. I love you!" I say. I've never said I love you and actually meant it before. I hear people 'aww' at us.
D. "I know it is an awkward time to say it but I couldn't help myself after i saw you with the kids." I smile at him happily.
"I don't care Dakota what type of situation it is for you to give me this. I still love it either way."
Alice speaks up suddenly. She's like Ava always excited and has a smile on her face. Alice. "So when you gunna propose huh?" Me and Dakota look at her and she laughs. It's starting to get dark outside.
D. "And also..happy birthday princess." I huff knowing it was my birthday today and I didn't want anyone getting me anything. I knew dad told them and that they had something planned today. I'm not an idiot....i think..

We all get up and head inside we are back in the living room and i see presents everywhere. It was as if it was Christmas! I stare at them all in confusion as to why there are so many. Dakota obviously sees this and starts speaking.
D. "We take birthdays very seriously in this family princess." I make an 'ohh' face and he sits me down. I start opening presents. After presents. My arms hurt once i am done from all the ripping of wrapping paper. And i lean back i got jewellery and clothes. And I'm happy. Dakota said i could keep the clothes here. I'm living with him now. I didn't even realise it until now. It kinda just..happened. You dont notice things going on around you when you are in love. Love was so confusing to me that's why I didn't bother with it. If you asked me what love was around a year ago i would of said I didn't know. It's funny how in such a short amount of time someone can change so dramatically. I feel like a softy when I'm around Dakota. And i can tell he does to. I stand up. "Thank you all so much for all the gifts i really appreciate them. And I'm happy to know you accept me being with this twat over here." I point at Dakota and everyone laughs and Dakota chuckles. D. "Someone will take the clothes to our room" i nod and i start walking out. "I'm gunna explore the place for a bit ill be back !" They all nod and start speaking. I smile to myself as i walk down the long halls. I find myself being lured down steps and i realise I'm in the underground of the house. It cold and everything is made of concrete. Walls , floors , your name it. There were steel doors and i open one of them and my heart stops.


I smell a strong sense of blood and i see it all over the walls. Their are hand prints with blood on the walls. I step back in horror when i see a man in his late 40s sitting leaning against the wall. He's chained up. He has blood on him and in some parts he's obviously infected. I gag at the sight of it. I hated infections. The smell of that and blood doesn't go well at all. He slowly looks up at me and i see pure hatred in his eyes. He starts to scream and shout.

"Murder! MURDER! You killed my whole gang! You killed my wife AND MY KIDS! MY SWEET SWEET KIDS. I will kill you! You will go to HELL!" He's shouting in what seems like a Spanish accent. I go to talk but I'm pulled back aggressively out of the room with a hand over my mouth. The door slams shut and my back is pushed against the outside of the door. I open my eyes to see Dakota starring at me. "Dakota did you hear him? What's he speaking about? Who killed his family? Why? Whe-"
D. "Bella! Shut up your asking too many questions at once!" He turns his back to me and i runs his hands through his hair.  
D. " i got a call from a guard that he heard shouting from down here. He saw the door open and he told me to come look and turns out you was here. I knew i would have to tell you what i did before i met you. But I didn't expect it to be so soon." He's looking at me apologetically. D. "Please can we speak about this tomorrow? Ill explain everything i promise."

I just stood there . I didn't want him to tell me what he used to do but obviously this man has something to do with it. I nod and we both walk out. Everyone had gone to bed so me and Dakota decided to do the same. I had a shower and got into bed with Dakotas arms wrapped around me tightly.



Hi thereeeeeeee how are you ! I hope you are well! I'm meant to be doing schoolwork but ended up here suddenly. Hmm how did that happen ?_?




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