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I'm not gunna lie but I kinda went off the story plot with these 2 chapters but I'm gunna get back to the actually plot after this XD soz

Dakota pov.

I'm laying in bed with my so called future wife.
She's the death of me I swear. When she went with me to see my parents graves my heart couldn't handle it. She was being so kind and even made a joke. If my parents were still here they would of loved her to death. We were a gang but that didn't mean we threw away the family we had. The whole gang was family. Except Jessica...but beside the point. I don't know what I could do without this girl. My life would never be the same without her. I close my eyes with my arms still wrapped around the body and I put my head in the crook of her neck. I feel calm and relaxed whenever I'm with her. I feel like I have no worries. I said something last night but she was out of it. I smile and I keep my eyes closed, holding her tightly.

I feel her fidget under my arms as she starts to awaken.

Bella pov.

I feel breathing on my neck. I open my eyes and I have arms wrapped tightly around my waist. It's calming. I try to move but Dakota pulls me tighter. I look at him and see he's still asleep. I start messing around with his messy hair to try wake him up and also entertain myself at the same time. When he doesn't move and his face is relaxed I think of something else. I poke his face multiple times and as I question whether to give up or not my wrist is held and I'm swooped under Dakota. He's hovering over me looking at me with his bright blue eyes. He smirks still holding my wrist. His dimples showing makes my heart soften. He leans down and kisses me. I kiss back but it ends quickly when Ava barges the door open and stares at us in shock. We both look at her like idiots and she walks away slowly closing the door behind her. Dakota gets off of me and I sit up. I walk out of the bedroom and Dakota follows behind me. We head down to the kitchen where we see a smirking John and an embarrassed Ava who is smiling slightly.

"Ava what did you say?" I death stare her.
A " just what I saw that's all" she giggles slightly.
J. "Nah she said you guys were getting it on."
I look at John then at Ava in shock who is looking guilty but also amused. I then look at Dakota who looks like he's about to piss himself from laughing. Why is everyone laughing ?!

D. "Bella you look like a fucking tomato !" He burst out laughing. John joins in and I cover my face and sit down at the counter with my head on the side.

I feel Dakota sit next to me and he hugs me but I elbow him in the ribs and he groans in pain.
"Go away." I mumble.
D. " I'm sorry Bella. I didn't mean to." HES smirking and I know it. I get up without looking at him and I start looking through the refrigerator for food but I feel someone behind me and they wrap their arms around my waist and lift me up and put me on the counter. It's Dakota obviously. He's staring at me with a slight smirk.
D. "Giving me silent treatment now are we ?" He leans closer to me ear and he wraps his arms around my waist.
D. "You don't want to do that Bella~" he taunts. His voice is deep and husky. I feel something behind me and realise it's a frying pan. I quickly lift it up and hit him in the head. It was harsh I know but I want to teach him that I can be boss too!

You hear a loud DONG and Dakota stumbles back. He slowly turns his head towards me. His face is red and I start to laugh but his expression stops that. He's smiling. Not happily. But as if he's about to lose his shit and I'm going to die.

D. "5 seconds Bella. Run."

With that said I run through the hallways and I ask a few guards where to go and they give me directions. I don't know whether Dakota is joking or not so I'm panicking inside. I run into a door not looking where I am going. I fall backwards and hit the ground. I lay there in shock but I see a tall handsome man standing over me staring at me with his bright ocean eyes. My eyes open wide as I try to get up but he pulls me up and swings me over into his shoulder. I hit his back but he doesn't let go. I yank his hair and he growls. Oh my fucking gosh he growled. Is that normal?

I carry on hitting him.
D. "Bella I wouldn't do that."
"Or what?!" I hit him once more and I feel a pain on my ass. He slapped my ass.
"Dakota ! What the fuck?!" I lay there as he carries on walking with me on his shoulder with no effort. I think then the most amazing idea comes to mind.


He stops in his tracks.
D. "D-did you just slap my ass.."
"Karma is a bitch!" I laugh. He changes routes and starts heading towards his room. He throws me on the bed lightly and is hovering over me.
D. "Bella I told you to stop." He's holding both of my wrist above my head and I stare at him. He leans down and gives me a passionate kiss. He lets go of my wrists and pulls me closer. I see lust in his eyes.
D. "Bella. Your so fucking beautiful."
I'm not ready and I think he senses it. He pecks my lips then gets off.
D. "Come on we are going to be late ! We are going to meet the gang." I quickly get dressed after telling him to turn around. I turn around and see him starring at me.
D. "What? You didn't say for how long." He smirks. We walk out of the bedroom and he holds my hand and pulls it up to his lips and kisses the back of it.
D. "They are going to love you."

With that we walk to the front door and Ava and John are already starting the car.

"I want to drive!" I shout. Ava looks at me in horror and says no. I look at Dakota with puppy eyes and he gives in. "AHA! I'm driving!" I get into the drivers seat and everyone gets in. I speed off and Ava is already shitting her self.

Just to let you know. I'm doing this meeting the gang stuff so not only will Bella meet the gang but so can you. Knowing names and who people are and things.



BYEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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