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Hoi! I have nothing to say soo...
Blood and gore warning ! ⚠️

Bella pov

I'm laying down on something spiky but soft at the same time. I open my eyes and immediately my head hurts. I'm looking to my side and I see leaves and twigs scattered around. I'm in the woods I guess. I look up and I see the girl that dragged me away. She's looking the opposite way from me because she's looking through a bag. My hands are untied I can feel it.

I close my eyes again as she turns around. She has a knife in her hand. She holds it with both of her hands and stands over me. Is she an idiot if something ? I mean obviously. Why would you kill someone like that ? I open my eye slightly and I see her bringing the knife down. But me being the very smart person with the rest of the strength that I have left. I grab the knife from her and I hear her gasp but it is replaced my gargling. I had span the knife around so it was facing her. She had no time to react to now there is a knife in her neck...

Stupid girl. Why would he get this woman to kill me ? Her eyes roll backwards and there is blood all over me. Not that it bothered me anyways because I was already covered in blood. I push her off of me and I stand up. Pain washes over me. I search her and she has a phone. I grab it out and call Ava.

A. "Hello" She sounds worried.
"Ava it's me Bella don't ask question right now Dakota is in danger. I'll explain everything I'm at (i don't know what location) come pick me up now." I end the call before she can say anything. I start walking. My body aches so much. I don't think I can walk much longer.

Around 10 minutes later I find a road and see Ava's car she opens the door for me to get in. Before I do so I put the phone under the car wheel so it crushes it when she drives. I slide into the car and Ava speeds off.

A. "Explain now!" She sounds angry but she sounds worried aswell.

"The drinks were spiked last night. Some guy called carter was behind it that's all I got right now because I was out of it. I got dragged away by a girl and she thought I was still knocked out and went to stab me but the tables turned. I need my knives I will go alone."

A. "Like shit you are going on your own! You know the girls won't let you and neither will I."
"Ava I don't even know what you can do-" I'm cut off my Ava slamming her foot on the break and my head hitting the dashboard.

A. "I can do a lot more than you thing Bella." I nod and hold my head.
"Okay...sorry" I've got my head enough today I'm gunna have brain damage at this point!

We get to the house and we immediately run in we call everyone to create a plan. The boys and girls both come down to the kitchen and we start planning things out.
"We need explosives. The girls will take out any guards they have around the place and they will plant them by the walls. Once the walls are gone we all attack. Some of you will look out for backup. Be careful of your surroundings. We don't know what they can do." The boys said they had to join in so they did.

Ash. "Talking like a true leader." I roll my eyes.
"Go get ready now! Pack everything we need!"
They all run out and so do I. I go to our room and I run into the closet. I go to the back wall and bend down. I open the box that is binding under some clothes and shoes.

Black samurai. That's all I think about when I see the uniform. It's all black clothing.

(These are the bottom)

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(These are the bottom)

I quickly put on the uniform. The black cargo pants and black long sleeved t shirt. I tuck in the black shirt and put on a body vest. It will protect my stomach and chest from bullets and stuff. I grab the swords which are leaning on the wall. I forget about the mask. I can't be asked to wear the mask anymore. It's my husband in danger. I don't care who sees me at this point. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail. I run out and see everyone by the doors. Their eyes open in shock. Except from Ava and johns.

Elijah. "Wait. YOUR the black samurai?!"
"Fight now talk later!" I shout. They all nod I open the door and I see all black cars ready and they are geared up. They have black shields on some sides to protect the windows and stuff. I get in one by myself. I speed off and everyone follows behind.

We make it to the destination. But instead of parking by the road we drive into the woods. It's not very small so we could drive through it easily. I stop and I hear everyone else turn their engines off I get out and walk to Ava and johns car. Ava hands me an ear piece. She had given everyone one.

I walk round the back and the girls all sit in the back with guns in hand ready. They all smirk at me and I smile back.

"Yes ma'am!" They all say.

They all get out and start running. The boys and me are running with them and so is John. Ava is back at the cars where she is watching the cameras on our body vests.

We stand behind trees and huge rocks for cover. I nod at the girls as they surround the house after Ava has hacked into their cameras. They place the bombs and run.







WOAAHHHHHHH coollll Im my opinion haha!




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