The news

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I was talking to my men about what we are going to do with the package we got until one of my men got a call and walked out of the room. We all waited patiently while I was thinking of the girl . What was her name again? Bella.. that's her name. I like that name I think it suits her. She has some good looks I'll tell you that. My train of thoughts are cut short when my guard bursts through the doors looking worried.

"Boss! It's Bella!" I immediately jump from my seat and stand up walking towards him. He starts to explain and everyone listens.

"One of the guards have seen her get shot and now she's upside down in her car there were gun shots when he called me. I know where they are." He says to me quickly.

I turn back to my men. "Some of you come with me the rest stay here on the look out! Let's move!" I turn to one of my best friends John and look at him "lets go" he nods and follows me. John has been one of my best friends since childhood and always been by my side. He even has his own girlfriend called Ava! He was shitting himself when he decided to ask her out.

We get to our cars and speed off. My guard who got the call (Carl) was showing me the way to the scene until we stopped and I saw everything. The guards who saw the scene unravel were surrounding bellas car in a hurry. 2 dead men on the floor and I realise who they were. They were part of my enemies gang. I ran past them and got to bellas car. It was a bit far from where the other car stopped so the car must have rolled a few times.

"Bella?" I say her name loudly but she doesn't answer. There's blood coming from her shoulder. I feel for her pulse and she still has one. She's unconscious. I tell my men to get rid of the dead bodies and move the cars while I grab Bella out. I undo the seatbelt slowly and I put my hand behind bellas shoulder and one under her legs carrying her bridle style. Before I leave I look to the side of her and there is the glove box wide open with the money out on the seat . I grab it knowing she would want it and I shove it in my pocket. I carry her back to one of the cars after telling my men to sort out her car and bring it back to the mansion as quick as possible. I sit in the back seat with her in my arms until we got to the mansion.

I get out quickly and go to the gangs doc. We have a doctor at the mansion because the hospital with most likely call the police if we walked in there with a girl with a gunshot wound so this was the best option. After what felt like ages her stitches her up and I look at her sleeping peacefully. I don't realise I'm smiling until the doc says something.

"Caught feelings huh?" I look at him shocked.

"NO! I don't know what your speaking about shut up and go do something else." I look away from him and he holds his hands up in surrender and he laughs and walks away. I pick her up slowly and bring her to my room and lay her down but while doing so I notice a mark on the back of her neck and it keeps going down. I look closer and it's a big scar that carries on. How did that happen? Is she okay? When did this happen? Questions run through my mind until she starts to stir in her sleep and she wakes up.


Then they Both talk and blah blah you know if you read the chapter before this BUT ANYWAYS!

Do you think Dakota has caught feelings ???? 🤔🤔 comment what you think!!

I know this is a short chapter I'm sorry 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'll try do a longer one in the next chapter ! 🥺 thanks for reading!! BYEEEE 😂❤️❤️❤️

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