Chapter 4

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Peter and I had been at the restaurant for about 10 minutes now. We have just been looking over the menu's trying to decide what we would like to eat. After a couple more minutes Peter and I had finally decided on what we wanted to eat. A waiter came over and placed our orders. After the waiter left I decided I was going to go the restroom to freshen up a bit. "I am going to go to the restroom, I will be right back," I said standing up, smoothing out my dress and leaning over to kiss Peter. He smiled and nodded at me and I left for the restroom.

Peter's POV

As Y/n was leaving for the restroom someone else sat down in front of me. "Umm, excuse me? That spot is taken. Who are you?" I asked, curious as to why some random person just sat in front of me.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Stay away from Tony and Y/n if you don't the whole world will find out who Spider-man truly is, and if that threat isn't big enough I may just have to kill Y/n or even Tony. We wouldn't want that now would we." The mysterious man had said.

"Stay away from them," I said in a harsh tone.

"Then leave. This shall happen tonight. Leave them tonight and if I find out you haven't there will be consequences. If you tell anyone about this I will kill her," They replied harsher.

"Okay," I said with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to have to leave Y/n and Tony. Tony is like a father to me and I love Y/n with all my heart but I can't risk them being hurt I just can't risk it.

Before I knew it the mysterious person was gone and Y/n was back in her seat. 

Y/n's POV

I could tell there was something wrong with Peter. I could see it all over his face. I could see the tears he was trying to push down and I could see the hurt and pain in his eyes. 

"Pete, what's wrong baby?" I asked in a reassuring tone, placing my hand on his hand that was resting on the table. "Nothing, nothing." He said putting on a fake smile, while he readjusted his hand so it was holding mine and his thumb was stroking the top of my hand. 

"Peter, talk to me," I said still trying to figure out what's wrong, but before he could answer our food came and we were silent for the rest of the night.

An hour later

We were on our way home now, Peter was driving and he still hasn't said a word. His hand rested on my thigh and my hand on top of his. Every now and then he would squeeze my thigh as if to say everything would be okay.

We arrived home and we were about to walk inside. I had walked through the door but Peter had stopped on the patio. I turned around and looked at him I could see the tears in his eyes already forming. I walked back outside and cupped his cheeks, wiping away his tears with my thumbs as they began to fall. He brought his hands up to my hands and held onto my wrists.

"I'm so sorry," He said, his voice cracked from crying.

"Peter, what's going on?" I asked, worry building in my voice. 

"I don't want to do this, but I have to, for your safety," He started to explain. He intertwined our fingers. Bringing my hands away from his face. "I have to end this Y/n. I don't deserve you or Tony and I love you so so much but I have to let you go. You are going to find someone so much better than me," I felt the tears collecting in my eyes as they slowly descended down my cheeks. I pulled my hands away from his. Instead of letting me go he cupped my cheeks wiping away my tears.

"Y/n I love you so incredibly much," He spoke.

"If you love me you wouldn't be doing this right now," I said, I could hear my heart shattering with every word I spoke.

"Y/n it's because I love you that I am doing this please understand." He pleaded. I had this weird feeling like someone was watching us I turned around to see if it was dad but it wasn't someone was in the woods I could feel it.

"Peter someone is in the woods," I whispered.

"I know and I need you to trust me on this Y/n I love you and I always will but I NEED to let you go." He said pointing out the word 'need'. "Peter, can we take this inside? I am cold," I said as I started to shiver, he took off his coat and put it around me and we walked inside. We both still had tears running down our faces. This can't be happening.

At this point, we were up in my room "Y/n we are over." He said and that was what broke me.

"Get out," I said in a harsh tone and pointed towards my door. With that, he was gone.

Tony's POV 

I heard the whole thing go down from the moment they got back. I heard Peter break it off, I heard Y/n say there was someone in the woods and Peter said he knew that I heard everything in the bedroom all the way up until Y/n told him to get out.

Peter just broke my little girl's heart.

Peter's POV

As I was passing by the living room to leave, the tears still streaming down my face, I heard Tony call me over. 

"You just broke her." He said, the anger present in his voice.

"Tony I-" Before I could finish he interrupted me.

"Mr. Stark." He said with a bitter tone.

"Mr. Stark, I know I broke her heart bu-" I was interrupted again.

"No, Peter you don't know anything you didn't just break her heart you shattered her heart, and you didn't just shatter her heart you broke her Peter. You are the only she has truly loved." He spoke angrily.

"I know but I don't deserve her or you. I had to break it off sir. I had to do it to save both you and her. I still love her so incredibly much but I had to do it to save you both." I explained as much as I could.

"What do you mean to 'save us'" He questioned.

"I can't tell you that or you will both be killed but trust me with this one." I pleaded. 

"Fine, but right now I think you should leave." Mr. Stark escorted me to the door and I left. I just lost the love of my life...

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