Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

I want to know what's on Peter's mind. I'm worried. Peter is never thinking about something so much that he can't feel when his spidey senses go off or if he has a bad gut feeling. I wanted to pry but I didn't. I don't want to be that nosey girlfriend who has to know everything about her boyfriend. I decided I would ask just once just so I am not worried. "Pete," I started

"Hmm?" He responded, looking up (with just his eyes) from his menu.

"What's on your mind?" I asked setting my menu down giving him my full attention.

"What do you mean?" He asked, doing the same thing.

"You never have something on your mind that makes it to where you can't feel when your spidey senses go off or when you have a gut feeling. You always notice that stuff, and I am just worried." I said simply, keeping my voice down so no one could hear me. 

"Hey," He started as he grabbed my hands and held them tightly. "I am okay." He finished.

"Pete, talk to me," I said practically begging him to tell me what is going on.

"I can't. Y/n it's a surprise. Once this is over you will find out," He said smiling at me.

"Promise?" I asked holding my pinky up. 

"Promise," He said interlocking our pinkies as he laughed a little. "I love you," 

"I love you too."

It was time to start the plan. I really didn't have a good feeling about this so I decided to bring it up again. "Peter can I talk to you for a second... Over there." I asked pointing to a hallway in the back of the restaurant. 

"Y/n this isn't apart of the plan," He said, quietly.

"Peter. Please." I said simply.

"Yeah sure." He responded I knew he could see the worry growing on my face. We walked over to the hallway, I need this plan to stop. I can't go through with it. 

"Peter I can't go through with this plan. Something is going to go wrong," I explained. I was scared. There was someone watching us, I could feel it. 

"Y/n. Hey, what's going on?" Peter held me still keeping me from frantically looking around the room. He really was distracted by something because now it was an even stronger feeling. 

"Peter someones here... Watching us. We need to get out of here," I said starting to speed walk to the front of the restaurant, Peter right behind me. I opened the door and both Peter and I left, before we could get halfway down the street there was a hand over my mouth and an arm around my waist. Whoever grabbed me pulled me into an alleyway. 

"Y/n!" I heard Peter yell as he ran down the alleyway towards me. My screams were muffled by whoever had their hand over my mouth. I felt the cold metal barrel of a gun touch my temple. "No! Don't hurt her!" Peter yelled. I could see the tears running down his cheeks. I wanted to tell him that I am okay and I have a plan but I couldn't. 

"I thought we had a deal, Peter. You leave the Starks alone and no one gets hurt. No telling them about this either. Clearly you don't listen very well now, do you? I mean you put your poor Y/n in danger, now what kind of boyfriend willingly puts their girlfriend in danger?" The man finished. He had an unfamiliar voice. 

"I'm sorry! I will do whatever you want just let her go!" He yelled once again. No.

Before the man could respond to Peter, I bit his finger and slammed my heal down on his toes. He screamed in pain and let go of me. I ran over to Peter, grabbed his hand and we took off back to my house. Once we had gotten inside and were somewhat safe I turned to Peter and cupped his cheeks. I wiped away the tears that just kept coming.

"I should've listened to you. Not only that but I had the same feeling like you and still made you stay and continue the plan. God, I am such an idiot." He finished as he looked down and cried a little more. I moved his head up slightly so he would look at me but he kept his eyes on the ground.

"Peter look at me," I said getting his attention. Once he made eye contact with me I spoke again. "It's okay, I am okay," I said smiling a little at me hoping it would make him smile, but it didn't.

"It's not okay, Y/n, I almost lost you. For god's sake, he had a gun to your head and if he had pulled the trigg-" As he spoke he ran his hands throw his hair pulling on some strands out of frustration. I stopped him before he could finish his sentence. 

"He didn't," I said sternly.

"But he almost did. I don't know what I would have done if he did pull the trigger. Y/n I love you so incredibly much and it would have been my fault if you died. I don't know what I would do without you, or your dad. I just can't lose you guys. You and Aunt May are all I have left." He completely broke down. He fell to the ground as more tears fell. I sat down behind him and just let him lean on me. I ran my hands through his hair as he silently sobbed. 

"Baby, I am right here. I'm not leaving your side," I said resting my chin on top of his head playing with his hairs at the nape of his neck. 

I hate seeing him like this. He has lost so much and he doesn't deserve to lose anything. We need to find the guy who threatened him and when we do I will make him pay.

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