Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

"Peter we need to figure out how to get back," I said stressing out over my dad. I can't believe this girl. How did she even manage to get my dad? He's Iron Man for god's sake there is no way that she took him... Unless she didn't take him... And he's perfectly fine. 

"Peter..." I started.

"Y/n..." He said mocking me trying to lighten the mood a little bit and it worked. A smile formed on my face as he wrapped his arms around my waist and my arm went to his neck.

"Stop being cute," I said resting my forehead against his and then pulling away before he could kiss me. I watched as his smile changed into a playful frown making me giggle. "What if she didn't take my dad," I started, getting straight to the point. I watched as an expression of confusion made its way onto Peter's face which was my signal to continue. "My dad is Iron Man, he isn't just some ordinary guy. The last time he was held hostage was years and years ago before he was Iron Man." I said and that is when the realization hit him.

"She's toying with us." He finally understood. Liz was tied up downstairs which would sound really bad if we were just regular people but we are superheroes keeping her from hurting anyone. Tom and Robert had gone home seeing as the plan was over. I remembered I can text my dad from here. I don't know how that works but it does. I grabbed my phone and clicked on my dad's contact. 

Hey dad! I am okay I promise. Peter and I are back in the Real World somehow. A lot has happened, call me, please.


Not even a minute later I am getting a call from my dad. I picked up the phone anxious to hear his voice.

"Y/n! I'm glad you guys are okay. What's going on? What happened?" 

"Thank god you're okay." Was all I said.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm Iron Man." He spoke chuckling a little.

"Nevermind that. This girl named Liz Allen has something against Peter and was going to come after us. We caught her though don't worry. She said she already took you, I will admit I believed her for a second and then I was like hold up my dad's Iron Man there is no way in hell that she took you." I explained the situation to my dad. He just chuckled.

"Alright well hurry up and get back home I miss you both." He said admitting that he missed Peter which he would never say to Peter's face because he's that person. Little did he know he was on speaker and had just made Peter's day.

"Anyways we are going to head to bed and figure out how to get home tomorrow," I said getting ready to end the call.

"Alright, I love you both goodnight." He spoke making Peter smile even more than he already was.

"Goodnight dad we love you too," I said and then ending the call. I looked back up at Peter and saw a tear falling down his cheek with a smile still plastered.

"Aww, baby why are you crying?" I said cupping his cheeks in my hand wiping away his tears.

"Nothing wrong. It's just Tony had just admitted he loves me and misses me. That just means a lot to me." He spoke softly taking my hand in his and kissing them. 

"He's always loved you like family Peter. He never stopped talking about how much potential you have and how he's proud of you. That's all I heard before I met you. I couldn't help but wonder who this amazing boy was that made my dad so proud." I said smiling at him. "Let's go to bed, yeah?" I said, and he nodded and with that, we were in our room fast asleep.

The next day

I woke up with my head still resting on Peter's chest except now we were in my room at my dad's lake house. We are back. Finally. 

I was only half awake at the time and it looked like it was still dark out so I had no problem falling back into a deep sleep lying comfortably next to the love of my life. 

Peter's POV

Today is the day I am asking her to marry me.

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