Chapter 62

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By 9 everyone had arrived. We were at the balcony where a love seat  took place, in there minimum 4 people could sit, apart there was a big couch chair, where 2 people could sit and apart some garden chairs, and our beautiful glass coffee table. It was perfect, the coffee table was big enough to put all our drinks in and a couple of snack, and for the sitting, we all could fit in and usually there was space left for any date someone would bring. Tonight being my case. The tradition was for this person to sit in the big chair with your date, that way you would be in the center, being easy for everyone to start teasing you. And let me tell you I love this tradition, except for when I'm in the couch. And this night I knew I was going there, it didn't matter if I lied we were just friends, to the eyes of the guys he was my date, and that meant the couch chair was mine. We were talking, joking around, Shawn had just texted me, that he was five minutes away, which was my cue to leave to get a drink, that way I could open the door for him and explain to him the whole couch chair tradition, getting him prepared.

"I'll be right back, I'll get a new beer." I say standing up from my spot at the loveseat besides Liam, Brooke and Jen. As soon as I stood up James took my place sitting besides Jen. Oh those two.

"I'll join you!" Replied Jack standing up and walking towards the kitchen with me. "Now! What are you hiding missy?" Said Jack getting in front of me with his arms crossed.

"What are you talking about?" I laugh it away, pushing him away and getting to the fridge.

"Oh you can fool them, but not me! You don't like beer! Why would you come here for a beer when you don't like beer."

"Well I meant a drink, I got confused. I'm allowed to say the wrong word from time to time you know." I say opening the fridge and grabbing a Skyy.

"Shawn is about to arrive isn't he?"

"Yeah! I just know you guys will roast us, and I want to get him prepared first."

"Oh please don't worry! That guy can take a lot! If you could see him with the other guys! He can roast."

"Huh? I never thought a Canadian would be good at roasting."

"Well that Canadian is good at it. He just keeps it down here because he wants the guys to like him. Give him a couple of months, and he'll have all this guy's asses burned!"

"I like the sound of that." I smile at the thought when I hear a knock by the door. "That's him." My smile goes wider and I go to open the door. "Hey you!" I grin like crazy, seeing this boy again, God he's driving me crazy. How am I going to survive with him gone for months next week? God only knows and future me.

"Hey!" He says with his beautiful smile, I notice him start to lean in, as tempted as I am to accept the kiss, Jack is in the kitchen where he can easily see us. So I lean in too, but for a hug, dodging his lips.

"Jack is in the kitchen." I whisper at his ear as I hug him, I leave his arms and invite him in, he walks in and then he sees Jack and what can I say.

"Is that my favorite bitch?!" Shrieks Jack when he sees Shawn.

"Are you saying you have more?!" He answers in a high pitch tone. With this they both laugh and hug in those men hugs were they hit their back a couple of times. I walk in the kitchen and clear my throat remembering those couple of idiots I'm here. I don't know if they didn't heard it or if they ignored it but they stayed in the hug and then after what felt for an eternity they broke it.

"It's good your here man! Good you came! Some torment awaits you but Emma here will explain it you. So I'll be gone now, there's beer in the fridge, help yourself."

"Thanks man!"

"And hurry, you don't want her brothers thinking dirty stuff." He says in a mocking way and patts his back before he goes.

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