Decent Day

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What a nice morning to wake up, I am sleeping with Ryujin and Jihyo is already calling me outside. I know what will happen. 

"Ahh, Ryujin, kindly stand up... I mean, do you want the other girls to see us like this?"

"Ohh..Ye-yes, I am s-sorry" Ryujin replied

"Haha..It's okay" 

she stands up and grabs her phone on the table. 

"By the way, Y/N, do you want to go to our house?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you want to go to our apartment?"


"Yes, why won't you go to the apartment? Just visit us." she lively said

"Sorry, we can't allow that" Sana interrupts as she enters the room

"Sana." I softly said

"O-okay, wh-what is the re-reason why is he not allowed?" Ryujin curiously asked

"Ahh - It-it's be-because? Ahhh" Sana mutters

"Sana, why are you taking so long?"Nayeon asked as she enters the room.

"He-hello, Good Morning" Ryujin shyly greets. 

"Hello, what is happening here?" She asked

"I am just asking Y/N, if-If he could visit in our apartment, haha" Ryujin replied

"What?! No!" Nayeon shockingly replied

"O-okay, bu-but if he has free time or you guys, why won't you visit us?" 

"Su-sure, that will be a great idea, haha, right Sana?" Nayeon said

"Ye-yes, that would be a great idea, but Y/n going there alone? He needs to be accompanied, right Y/N?" Sana replied as she pinches my waist

"What if I call your manager and ask a favor?"

"Favor of what?" Nayeon said

"That Y/N can visit us" Ryujin insist

"I th-think we should eat, I-I am hungry and bre-breakfast might get cold, Haha" I interrupt as I scratch my head as I go out of the room". 

Nayeon and Sana walk on beside me and they keep whispering.

"Don't you ever go there alone!" Nayen said, like she's my mother and I am her child.

"Never go there!" Sana added.

"Can you guys stop? She's just asking and you don't have any authority to stop me" I replied and I look back, I saw her staring down at the floor while playing with her fingers, like pinching it.

"Ryujin, why are you still there? Come here" I said to her as I look back.

"Yeah, Join us here" Nayeon added, I look at Nayeon.

"What?" She asked

"Nothing" I replied 

"Ye-yeah, I am going there, ju-just need to grab something" She replied and closes the door. 

Both Nayeon and Sana rushes to the dining area to help others.

I saw Jeong on the stair.

"Good Morning Nayeon" Chaeyoung greets as she prepares the table.

"Morning" She replied

I saw Mina preparing the food and Jihyo is just standing there holding her phone, I guess she's chatting to someone.

(Book 2) Getting along with Twice and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now