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*There will be wrong grammar or missing words,* CHAERyeoung||CHAEyoung*

Yeji brought me some clothes for the event later, I look at my watch and it's just an afternoon.

"Thank You, Yeji" 

"Welcome Y/N!" Yeji replied. I head back to my room,  someone went out of my bathroom's door.

"Hi, just used your bathroom," Ryujin said as she locks her pants

"Oh, no problem," I replied then jump on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. 

She sits on my bed. "What's the problem?"


"Come on, Y/N, we spent our childhood together and I know if you have a problem or not, you can talk to me come on" 

"It's arghhh...It's just I am not interested anymore, I am not interested in doing something, "

"What do you mean "nothing"?"

"I mean, it's just my mind and body feels tired and don't want to do anything, I just want to..."

"Hey, stop, are you depressed or something? What happened? Don't joke like that"

I tilt my head and look at her with a frown face.

"Do you think I am joking?" then I smirk a little

"Since when are you like this Y/N?"

"I don't know, I just want to rest" 

"Do you want some water?"

"No, just close the door and leave,"

"Let me spend time with you here, so if you need anything, you can ask"

" what you want"  I replied then buried my face again the pillow. 

She took out her phone and start browsing,

"Hey, Y/N look at this one" I know she just wants to cheer me up.

I lift my head and look at her phone. "I've already seen that video already" and buried my face again.

"Is that so? it's so funny isn't it?" I just my nod head. 

Chaeryeoung enters the room. "Hey guys, it's to eat,"

"O-okay!" Ryujin replied "Hey Y/N, time to eat"

"Arghh...I don't want to eat"

"But...You need to eat something, or..."

"It's okay Lee, I can do it myself when I am hungry, thank you" 

"O-okay," She went outside with Chaeryeoung

"Close the door by the way"

"Hey, Y/N are you not going to eat?" Chaer asks

"He's not going to eat"


"I don't know, let's just the others" Ryujin replied. After those 2 left, just a few seconds, Chaeyoung open my door and pop her head out.

"Y/N, it's time to eat come on"

"Sorry, I think I'll pass"

"Why? You're the only one missing there"

"F-fine, I'll catch up there"

"Okay, faster while the meals are still hot" I just nodded my head, but I didn't actually go there.

Minutes after, my door opens, it's Mina and Sana.

"Y/N!, why are still there, join us, everyone is looking for you" Sana cheerfully said

(Book 2) Getting along with Twice and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now