Keep Away

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Some words are missing or wrong grammar, I hope you like it

I was interrogated by the girls. "What happened during the night?! Huh?!" Ryujin asks. 


"Y/N! What are you doing to Yeji during the night?! Answer me!" Chaer added.

"Oppa! What was that?!" Yuna added.


"During the night I heard some----" Lia added. But she got interrupted when Yeji went out of the room. "I'm ready! What are you guys talking about?"

"Hmm...Lia said she heard something during the night? That's what I heard" Chaer said. 

"Ahhhh...There was a cockroach in the room, Y/N is already sleeping there" Yeji replied

"But I heard some voice," Lia replied. 

"Really Lia?! Hahaha, I was battling with Cockroach, as usual, I need to react when it flies on me," Yeji replied

"Fine...I lost," Lia replied.

"So, Are you going to join us?" Yeji asks Lia


"Practice Driving? Y/N will going to help us" Yeji replied

"Ehhh?? Hell no, that is why you have a teacher right?" I replied

"Ahhh...I thought Y/N Oppa will watch us drive," Yuna added.

"Wait, what time is it?" I ask

"It's 6:00 in the morning" Chaer replied


"Noo! Help me to buy our ingredients for lunch, I am going to cook it since the rest will be having a practice.

"WAIT!" Yeji shouts. All of us look at her. "What? Ryujin asks.

"I have to say something" Yeji replied


Yeji shows her gummy smiles. She suddenly hugs me"I confess my feelings to Y/N, I love him and I am looking to be his future girlfri-----" 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Chaer, Yuna, and Ryujin shout.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH Can you guys just go to your lesson, so you can go back home already?!" Lia irritated said. 

"Ehhhh?! You just want to spend your time with Y/N...Ayiiee" Yeji replied.

"Huh? Y/N?....Ewwww...I will never..NEVER EVER fell in love with Y/N! and I thought you love Y/N, why would you say something like that to me?" Lia replied

"Ooooooooohhhh...Look what have you done Yeji...Lia-Noona is upset at you..." I teased her.

Lia approaches me and pinches my belly, she grinds her teeth "I AM NOT ANGRYYYY"

"Ahhhhh....I-I am just kidding, I will not--" She released me...Just go to your lesson and we have a fan-meeting for later. Lia reminded the rest of us. All of us just nod our heads. 

Ryujin judges me. "Why are you nodding your head? Doesn't mean we change your hair, means you're invited."

I mimic just to tease her.

"Okay, we're going to, make a delicious stew! Like what you did back then" Yuna said. Lia just nods her head. 

The 4 girls went out of the apartment. 

Lia looks at me "Hey, I'll call you later when I need your help, so go back to your room for now"

"Yeah...Sure..*cough cough*, I feel sick by the way so I need to rest a little more, hehehe.

(Book 2) Getting along with Twice and FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now