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They all boarded the boat that the Speedwagon Foundation sent as they would be on the water for some time. But in the meantime Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Y/n were all lounging on lounge chairs.

"Oddly enough, I'm very relaxed right now." Y/n said as she felt the warm sun hit her skin.

"Yes, it's one of the most relaxing times we've had in a while. Though I'm sure it won't last." Kakyoin states as he continues to read his book.

"Beats having to deal with a whinny old man." Jotaro casually states. Both Kakyoin and Y/n burst into laughter. Y/n sees that Joseph is approaching them so she nudges Kakyoin to stop laughing.

"Joseph incoming." she states as she goes back to bathing in the sun.

He stops right in front of them as he holds an arm up to his face, blocking the rays of the sun. "To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for 3 full days. Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up. But first I have a serious question. What the hell is with the high school uniforms you two? Can't you go and find something else to put on? Isn't it ridiculously hot?" Joseph asks.

Y/n opens her eyes as she looks at the two. "Actually that's a great question, why are you both in your uniforms? You know we're not at any school." Y/n asks.

"Well, we are high school students. And good students should behave as such no matter where they are. I guess that sounds like a stretch." Kakyoin states, his eyes never leaving his book. Jotaro 'hmps' as Joseph gives them a stare.

"Japanese students are such stiffs aren't they Y/n? I mean I don't see you wearing any uniform." Joseph states.

"That's because high schools in America don't use uniforms Mr. Joestar. Besides I'm actually wearing a tank top because it's hot. I don't understand how you two can be so comfortable in uniforms. Aren't you guys sweating?" Y/n asks the two school boys beside her.

"I'm fine. What about you Jotaro?" Kakyoin asks. He doesn't say or do anything which makes Y/n roll her eyes.

"So this is what they call Bushido. Like they say, clear you mind and even flames feel cool." Avdol states.

"That's all well and good but that won't get you any girls." Polnareff says.

"What do you know about getting girls?" Y/n scoffs. Polnareff raises his eyes at her. He walks over and grabs her hand.

"I know well enough that you are some beauty. You have such beautifu-"

"Not interested." Y/n says as she swipes her hand away from him. He places a look of shock as everyone laughs.

"Hey let go! Let go of me! Dammit I said get off of me! Let me go, what's your problem?!" a young voice was heard as everyone but Jotaro and Kakyoin went to see what the commotion was.

"Hey, who's that? I thought we agreed there'd be no other passengers on this boat but us!" Joseph states as a crew member struggles against a small child.

"Sorry sir, it's a stowaway. This little brat was hiding in one of the storage loads below."

"A stowaway?" Joseph asks.

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