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The room was dark and filled with murderous intent as the only light source were candles that were burning, creating a dim light. A rough voice spoke, breaking the silence. "Enyaba, there's something I'd like to ask you. What does it mean to live?"

A ways away, an older woman replied to the man. "It's to obtain all that one desires. If you were to distill life into it's essence, that is what it would be. A lust for riches. A desire for fame. Food, love, and lovers, that is life's goal." the raspy voice laughed lowly.

"But doesn't that mean that one must fight to get what one wants? Isn't that correct, Enyaba?" the voice asked again.


"And if the battle is lost and fails to obtain what one desires most, the result is frustration, pain, and a sense of failure. One carries the wound into the future, into the next fearful battle. I believe conquering that fear once and for all is what it means to live. The one who stands at the pinnacle, is the one who has no fear. Do you understand, Enyaba?"

"I was the one who told you of the existence of your Stand and how to use it. Also, you have an immortal body. Is there anything you could possible fear? What burdens you, my Lord?"

"The Joestar bloodline."

"Joestar? They worry you? Those worms are mere trash! Your enemies are no match for your Stand!" the woman protests.

"Yes, but I must believe it's destiny when the lives of those worms are so thoroughly entangled with mine. It is a fate that has been written for us all since the very beginning. Not to mention that girl is an interference as well." the voice spoke coldly.

"That girl travelling with them? She's nothing but a nuisance!"

"Her bloodline is known to fight alongside the Joestar's, acting as a sort of aid. The Joestar's and the Zeppeli's are a dangerous combination, which is why I want her dead first. With her gone, killing off the Joestar's will be easier. But since all the Stand users I've sent to kill her have been ineffective, I might take matters into my own hands."

"Foolishness! You should never engage in such trivial matters that are beneath someone of your stature! I have sent seven Stand users to command! The Empress, The Emperor, The Wheel of Fortune, Strength, The Hanged Man, Temperance, and the Devil! All of them on the move and ready to strike whenever you call! Thanks to these allies, you need not take any actions yourself, Lord Dio!"
Jotaro stared intensely at the boat. Something didn't feel right. "Jotaro, something's bothering you. Are you worried there might be another Stand user on this freighter? It's not ideal but we can handle it." Joseph says towards him.

"Not quite. Strange they lowered the stairs but there's not a single soul to be seen around here  anywhere." Jotaro says.

"It's kind of creepy." Y/n says as she wraps her arms around herself. Their life boat then hits the stairs. Polnareff instantly jumps off of the life boat and onto the stairs as he looks back at them.

"This ship came all this way to rescue us. There has to be some sort of crew on board. Even if they're all Stand users, I'm getting on this boat! I'm tired of drifting in circles." Polnareff states as he walks up the stairs.

Everyone begins to follow him as Anne was left on the boat, almost nervous. Jotaro turns around to face her as he leans down to her level. "Give me your hand kid, I'll help you get up." he extends his hand towards her as she stares at it.

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