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a/n im very sorry for the wait. school and everything else has been pestering me but i assure you that i will write whenever i have time. though i do have to say, i liked writing the end of this chapter, it's very cute and heartwarming. anyways, enjoy!
The crusaders are now heading to Varanasi by bus. While the rest of them are quiet, Polnareff tries to strike up a conversation with the girl who helped Hol Horse make his escape. "Do you think he's interested in her?" Y/n asks Kakyoin.

"Maybe. Giving her advice on love seems like his forte." he replies back.

"With any luck, she'll turn him down so he can focus at the mission at hand, finding Dio." she replies as she rolls her eyes.

"Take a set back and look at the whole picture!" Polnareff tells her as he stands up. Kakyoin pulls his attention from her as he sees the city within the distance.

"Hey, we're almost there." they all look out the widow as they cross a big bridge over a river. People were either soaking, bathing, or taking water.

After arriving to their stop, Joseph looked away, bothered by something. "What's wrong Mr. Joestar?" Y/n asks.

He turned around and held up his arm where what looked like an infection had spread. "Looks like my bug bite got a lot worse. It must be infected."

"It's definitely swollen. It would be best to have a doctor look at it before it gets worse." Kakyoin points out. Joseph nods as Polnareff takes a closer look.

"Hey, doesn't it look like a persons face?" he asks. Joseph turns away from him in embarrassment.

"Stop kidding around Polnareff. That's creepy!" Joseph exclaims. Polnarreff laughs slightly.

"Sorry. Do you want me to got to the hospital with you?" he asks.

"No, and stop treating me like an old man!" he walks off and goes to find a doctor.

"Well, it looks like we'll be staying here for a while. I'm sure Mr. Joestar already set up a hotel for us so maybe we should go and check it out." Y/n suggests.

  "Good idea. Do you know where?" Jotaro asks.

"Not really all I know is that it's called Hotel Clarks. I'm sure we can ask him where it is as soon as he gets back from the doctors." she replies. Jotaro huffs.

"Maybe we can look around while we're at it." Kakyoin says.

"You guys go ahead. Me and Nena are going to check out the market." Polnareff flashes them a cheesy smile as he guides the young woman away from them.

"Good grief. Let's just go." Jotaro starts to walk off as his friends begin to follow him. They walk into the city as every store or restaurant was booming with business. Kakyoin looks around.

"Hey look at this." he walks over to a stand where an elderly lady was selling multiple souvenirs. Jotaro and Y/n follow him as Kakyoin looks at all the souvenirs.

"Oh this looks cute!" Y/n spots a painted elephant with multiple colors. She holds it up to Kakyoin as he takes it in his hand.

"Hm? It looks nice. Should I get it?" Kakyoin asks. Y/n agrees as Jotaro somewhat nods his head. He then hands the lady some money as she wraps it up for him in a small plastic bag.

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