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After riding in the desert for some time, they came to a stop after Joseph announced to them that they would be paid a visit by some people. They all stood outside on the sand while they waited for something to happen.

It was then that they all heard a helicopter in the distance. They all turned their heads in the direction of where the sound came from. Polnareff was the first to speak up. "Hey, do you all here that noise too?" he asks.

Joseph smiles. "They've arrived." he says.

"It's a helicopter!" Polnareff exclaimed.

"Thanks for the update, captain obvious." Kakyoin responded to him.

A helicopter comes flying towards them as Joseph informs them. "They're here from the Speedwagon Foundation. They're looking for somewhere to land."

"Speedwagon Foundation? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they the group that's looking after mom back in Japan? They're old friends of yous right?" Jotaro asks.

They all cover their eyes as sand starts to blow in their faces. "Yup, that's them alright." the plane started to land in front of them as the wind blew harshly.

"So are we going to be taking a helicopter from here on out?" Jotaro asks.

"Not quite, as much as I'd like to, the crew members for the foundation aren't Stand users. So, we'd be putting them in arms way if we hitched a ride." Joseph replies.

"Well, then if they're not here to give us a ride then what's the occasion then?" Kakyoin asks.

"They've brought us our new ally." Jospeh replies.

Everyone's ears perk up at the sound of this. "So someone else is coming with us?" Y/n asks.

"I have to warn you. He's a bit of a handful which is primary reason it took so long to fetch him." Joseph says.

Avdol then speaks out. "Mr. Joestar! You aren't seriously considering taking him with us, are you? His presence here would only hold us back." he say, sounding concerning.

"So he might actually harm us?" Kakyoin asks.

"Correct. So be careful." Avdol replies.

Jotaro then turns to him. "Not so fast, this new ally of our, are you saying he's a Stand user too?" he asks.

"That's right and his Stand represents the card, The Fool." Joseph informs them.

Polnareff then laughs a bit. "Wait, the Fool? Sounds like a pretty stupid card in my opinion." he says, jokingly.

"I don't think you should make fun on him, Polnareff. I mean, Avdol did say he might hurt us." Y/n says.

Avdol nods in response to her statement while also saying, "You can't beat him anyways." this only seems to trigger Polnareff as he gets very defensive.

"I suggest watching your mouth if you know what's good for you, Avdol." he says while grabbing his shoulder.

"It's true, Polnareff. Now move your hand, you're hurting me." Avdol says.

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