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"Yes! Fuck yes!"

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"Yes! Fuck yes!"

Least to say, Alex was a little more excited than she should have been why Lyla announced that there were aliens in Central City. They had dealt with everything else that she could think of but aliens had not been crossed off the list yet. Alex had always believed in them, but she had never known if they actually existed.

As kids, her and Dylan was would stay up late watching alien movies or even just documentaries on the history channel about them. Never had she thought that she would actually be involved with them one day. It was times like those that she wished that her brother knew the truth of her life so she could tell him things like that.

It was also times like those that she wished that her father was still alive so that she could prove that she and Dylan were right all along. She missed her father, especially since she was unable to tell him that the love of her life wanted to marry her. Her mother, wherever she was, would never know either.

Alex hadn't really told anyone the news yet. The team was well aware but anyone outside their inner circle didn't know yet. She didn't want to feel pressure by more people than necessary for her and Barry to get married that instant. They both lived busy lives and they had no idea when it was going to be.

All that mattered, was that they were going to do it, now it was just confirmed. Once she felt a little more comfortable - and actually believing that it was real - she would tell the others she cared about. It was a short list of people but she would get there eventually.

Upon realizing that everyone was giving her a look of 'what the hell is wrong with you', Alex realized that her reaction might have been a little out of place. She was just excited about her childhood dreams coming true. "Oh, I mean, oh darn, aliens... that sucks..."

"Since we've learned about them, we've been calling them the Dominators," Lyla informed the team. "We've known about them since the fifties. In 1951, they appeared under the same sort of circumstances. A ship crash landed, little to no communication. We learned that they were abducting humans to gather intel about us.

"They attacked, and hundreds of soldiers lost their lives. All contact had been lost until three months ago when the DOD received this," Lyla played a recording that she had gotten from ARGUS.

"We pose no threat, human inhabitants," the voice was creepy, and exactly what something called the Dominators would sound like. "Understanding is are purpose. Any action against us, as shown to us in the past, will prompt swift retaliation."

"So, when we discovered four ships heading towards Earth, we were concerned that it was happening all over again," Lyla continued as the recording stopped. "One of them landed here, obviously. They've ignored all attempts to communicate, but we do know that the drop ship contains a reconnaissance team sent here to gather intel about us."

"Cool," Alex had a grin on her face. Once again, she had gotten a stern look from everybody, including Barry. "I mean, we need to do something about this. Fuck guys, I'm sorry. I'm really trying here."

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