Chapter 1: Move From Hell To Heaven

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A/N: Okay, this is my second book. I deleted the first because it's horrible :( Sorry guys!

Kristen's POV

Finally, we're moving. I get bullied in New York and my dad decided to move to California. They keep saying I'm a bitch, whore, slut, fat, ugly and stuff like that. I don't have any friends here except boyfriend. But we broke up because he cheated on me 3 times! I was so sad and angry. I regretted to have a boyfriend like him. I just.. I shouldn't believe in boys.

We're going to California for some reasons. My mum passed away 2 years ago because of cancer. My dad just can't deal with it. He decided to move to forget everything and started a new life. "Kristen, we're going now!" my dad said from downstairs. "Okay, dad." I replied. I took my bags and stuff and ran downstairs. "Hey, sis. Why so sad?" My brother, Dave asked. "Nah, I just.. I'm gonna miss mum." I said sadly. "It's okay, sis. We're doing this for her too." he said. I looked into his eyes. I hugged him for a while. He had blonde hair just like my mum. I had brown hair just like my dad. We're so not look alike.

We're going to the airport. Tears were roliing in my eyes. Dave wiped it by his thumbs.

*skip the part*

Dave's POV

I texted my girlfriend, Karen that I'm in California.

D: Hey babe. I'm here.

K: Oh, hey. I guess, I'll pick you from there?

D: No, you don't need to. I'm going with Kristen and dad.

K: Oh, say hi to them. Text me, okay.

Kristen's POV

I saw my brother texting someone. I bet that was Karen.

"Dad! There's a taxi!" I shouted. "Come on, faster! Before anyone get in!" my dad yelled. We rushed to the taxi and we made it. "That was close." Dave sighed.

We made to our new house. I went to my room and it's huge. Not too huge but it's huge. "Dad, where's my stuff? I need to bring it to my room!" I yelled. "Here you go." my dad came and he brought a box which is it's full of my stuff. I took out all the stuff and I looked at the window. There's a guy who was making videos, I think. With his friend. He looked back then I smiled. He smiled back again. Wow. He's cute. I wonder what's his name.

Cameron's POV

I was making video with Nash. I looked at my window, there was a beautiful shorty with big brown eyes girl looking at Nash and I. She's cute. It's a new neighbour. I wonder what's her name. "Dude, what are you dreaming of?" Nash asked. "Oh, there's a new neighbour. She's cute with those big brown eyes." I replied. Nash just stared at her with a big 'O' in his mouth. "Hey, Nash. Let's go to the mall? So bored here." I asked. Nash just nodded and we went out.

Kristen's POV

I'm so bored in my room. Our home cleaning session is done. "Kristy, come here." my dad said from downstairs. I ran downstairs and met him. "Yes, dad? Need any help?" I asked. "I wonder if you wanna follow me to the mall. Buy some stuff. Paints, kitchen stuff and many home stuff." my dad said. "Well, okay dad. But, what about Dave? Where is he?" I asked looking for my brother. "He's with Karen right now." my dad replied. I just put an 'O' in my mouth.

We went to the mall and bought some stuff. I was tweeting something on my phone suddenly I hit a big guy like I hit a big giant. I looked up *cause I'm short and he's tall* and he smiled. "Sorry. I, uh, uh didn't se-see you." I said shaking. "Naw, it's alright. Aren't you the girl that living next door?" he asked. "Oh, uh yes." I replied. That's why he looked familiar. "I'm Cameron. Call me Cam and this is Nash." he said pointing at his friend. "Oh. I'm Kristy. It's uh, Kristen. Just they call me Kristy." I said. I felt like I'm in heaven. He's cute and handsome. Woah, I am in heaven. "Kristy! Where are you?" my dad was looking for me. "I'm here, dad. I guess I have to go." I said to Cameron or Cam. "Oh okay. Meet you next time?" he asked. "Oh, of course, bye." I said. "Who are you talking to?" my dad said. He's angry mode was on. "Oh, dad. The boy that live next door." I replied. He rolled his eyes to me. That was creepy.

We climbed in to our car and my dad was starting to ask me something. "Honey, I entered you at your new school yesterday. Be ready, okay?" my dad asked. "Oh, dad. Thank you. I hope it's better than before. I get bullied and-" I was cut off by him. "You get bullied?! In New York?!" he asked madly. I didn't tell him because he gained a lot of pressure after my mum's death. "I'm sorry, dad. I didn't tell you before this." I said. Tears were rolling from my eyes. He held my hand and he kissed my hand. "I'm so sorry dad." I said. "It's okay, honey. I love you very much. Next time, tell me everything, okay?" my dad asked. "Okay, dad. Promise." I said crossing my heart.

A/N: So, what do you guys think about my first chapter? -Jenna :)

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