Chapter 5: I Feel The Same Way

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A/N: So, the picture on the sidebar is just for fun. And the other chapters too. Thanks! Keep reading! -Jenna :)

Kristen's POV

I still think about yesterday. Cam was with Stacie and Nash almost kissed me. I don't know why Cameron do this to me. I mean, he kissed me. Like, he didn't feel anything? He don't even talk to me 2 days. I think. I don't count and, Nash. He kissed me. Almost, I mean. He helped me released my tension yesterday. He told about the big tree.

Cameron's POV

I just dated Stacie but I don't feel anything with her. Except with Kristen. I felt different when she's around me. I kissed her that day, I felt buzzes in my ears. Her soft and small lip was perfect. But, if I felt that way, why am I dating Stacie? I think I need to break up with her.

C: Stace, meet me at the park. Now. -Cam xx

S: Okay, I'll get you.

I waited for Stacie to pick me. I wanted to pick her but never mind.

Okay, here she is. "Cam, get in." she said. "I have something to tell you." I said. "I do too." she said. "There, okay?" I said. She nodded.

We're here. We went to the big tree and we sat under it. "Okay, you first." I said to Stacie. "Well, um. But don't freak out, okay?" she said sighing. I nodded. "Um, I want to confess that I'm not really into you. I don't feel anything when I'm around you. You're uh, you're not my type. Nash is. I had a crush on Nash a long ago. I hope you're not mad." Stacie said. My jaw dropped. "I was going to say the same thing, Stace. I don't know what to say." I replied. "Cam, I know who that is." she said. She kissed me on the cheek and I hugged her.

I arrived at home and I thanked Stacie for the confession. I. Had. A. Crush. On. Kristen. I still can't forget about the kiss. Can I tell? Her? Now? Maybe not.

Kristen's POV

School was really boring. But, at least I can meet my friends. But not Cam and Stacie. Just Nash. He's the only one that I have at school. I know I have Stacie and Cam but they're busy with their own.

"Hey, shorty." Nash said. I laughed. "Oh, hi, giant?" I replied. We laughed. We entered the class room and saw Cam and Stacie weren't sitting together. "I think, I wanna be with Stacie." Nash said. "But Nash." I said. "I thought you liked him." he replied. He sat with Stacie and I with Cameron. I took the seat next to Cam and suddenly, he grabbed my wrist. "Please, don't do that." he said. "Do what?" I asked confused. "Please stay with me." he said. I nodded and let go my hand.

I saw Mrs. Adams came to our class and giving some announcement. "Okay, class. This Saturday, we have a teenage prom and please wear something nice. And, Kristen, meet me after last period." Mrs. Adams said. I nodded my head and smiled. After last period, I met Mrs. Adams. "Mrs. Adams?" I looked for her. "Here, honey. I want you to come with me. To my house." she said. "But, I'm gonna ask dad for a-" she cut me off by put her finger on my mouth. "I asked him already and he said yes. Please, call me, grandma." she said. I nodded and we went to her house. On the way, Cameron called me.

K: Hello?

C: Hi, Kris! Where are you? I wanna take you home, please?

K: Oh, I'm with Mrs. Adams. Sorry, Cam.

I ended up our call and we're finally here. "Wow, grandma. This house is fuc-" she cut me off. "You're grounded." she said. We laughed. I put my first step on the floor and wow. This house is huge. "Well, Kristen, if you need anything, call me okay?" she said. "And, um. Sorry for your lost." she said. I just smiled.

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