Chapter 6: I Finally Tell

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Kristen's POV

I thanked grandma because she helped me choose things for tonight. I went to my house and saw a note on the door. "Honey, I'm going to the airport sending Dave there. He's going to L.A with Karen. Btw, he'll purpose Karen there. I'm sorry, sweetheart I didn't tell you earlier because you were busy with grandma. You can text Dave tomorrow if you want to say something. Love, daddy xx." Dave is going without saying goodbye. I'm gonna miss him so much. Great. I'll stay with myself later. Dad will be on his shift tonight until tomorrow morning. Great just great. I guess, I'll stay with Stacie then. 

K: Stace, stay with me. I'm alone.

S: Okay, darling. I'll make up you! Nash's order.

K: He's not my boss but okay.

I locked my phone and I decided to watch the telly.

Stacie knocked the door and I opened it. I hugged her for a while. "So, it's almost 7! We have to be ready!" Stacie said. We ran upstairs quickly and took a bath.

I'm done and so was Stacie. Stacie curled my hair and did my makeup. I wore my dress and put my high heels that I bought with grandma just now. When Stacie looked at me, her eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. "What?" I said. She shook her head and she came quickly to me. "This dress is P.E.R.F." she said. We laughed and she wore hers. She was wearing a short blue dress and and a black heels. She made her hair to a messy bun and she did her make up.

"Okay, we're here. Put your mask on." I said. She nodded and we put our mask on. We entered the hall and wow. It's the basketball hall but I don't care. My grandma is the best. She's the one who planned this.

Stacie's POV

As we entered the hall. I texted Nash.
S: Nash, we're here. She's in the pitch white long dress and a white mask.

N: Okay, I'll put Cam in.

I looked for Nash and waved at him. I pointed at Kristen. Nash nodded and pushed Cam to Kristen.

Cameron's POV

"Cam, she's in the white mask. The shorty one." Nash said. She was looking around at the hall. Suddenly, Nash pushed me to Kristen. She's almost fell and I grabbed her. "Got you." I said. She smiled. "Want a dance?" I asked. She nodded. The DJ played 'Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran'. We danced and danced. People were looking at us like what. Then, people stopped but we continued. The lights were shining on us. Just us. When the song stopped, we stopped. People were staring, clapping and cheering at us. "I love you." I said. "You do?" she asked. I nodded and I crashed my lip on hers. I held her waist. She put both of her arms on my shoulder. Suddenly, she pulled herself. "Sorry, I don't know you." she said. "You do? Don't recognise my lip?" I asked. "C-Cam?" she was shaking. "I-I love y-you too." she replied to my 'I love you' sentence just now.

We went to the food site. We intertwine our fingers and took our food. "Follow me." I said. I pulled her to the field and we opened our masks. I decorated the field with some roses. It said 'Will you be my girlfriend?'. She put her hands on her face crying. "Y-yes, Cam. I really want." she said hugging me. We put our mask on and went to the hall again. "It's time for the queen and king of the prom." Mrs. Adams said. "The queen first! Okay, queens, open your mask." Mrs. Adams. Everyone (girls) opened their masks. "The winner goes to... my granddaughter, Kristen Edward!" Mrs. Adams. Kristen screamed silently. She put her hands on her mouth. She went to the stage and took her prize. Mrs. Adams put the tiara on her head and she's beautiful like an angel. "Okay, kings. Open your masks! The winner goes to... Liam Davis!" she said. My jaw dropped. How could Liam? Any boys but him!

Kristen's POV

My stomach fell when I heard Liam's name. I accept any boys but him! We have to dance later. I can't do it. "Hi." he said after receiving the prize. "Want a dance?" he asked. "No, Liam. No." I replied. Everyone shouted 'dance' many times. I looked at Cam. He's mad. "Okay. We want this queen and king to dance." Grandma said. "What?! No!" I said. "Kristen." her eyes widened. I went down with Liam. He held my hand. "Get off me." I said. He let go my hand. We started to dance. I put my right hand on his left hand. I put my left hand on his shoulder. We looked at each other's eyes. "It's been so long." he said. I just stood there looking. I looked at Cam. He's angry and went out. I pushed myself from Liam and ran away. Everybody's staring at me. I chased after Cameron.

I looked for Cameron's car and he's gone. I wish I could avoid from Liam  just now. He's gone. I ran to his house with all my strength. Suddenly, it's raining but I don't care. I want Cam. We just made up. I cried. Mascara ruined my face.

I knocked his door and he finally opened it. "Kristy. W-what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the prom." he said. "No, Cam. I supposed to be with you." I replied. He smiled. It's the best smile I've ever seen. I came in and wrapped myself because it's cold. Cam gave me hot chocolate. "Go change." he said. I nodded and change my clothes. I don't take my clothes at my house because it's raining and I don't wanna to get sick.

I was drying my hair and Cam wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Where do I sleep?" I asked him. "On my bed. I can sleep on the floor." he replied. It's 11 and we went to sleep.

I was in the dark. I don't know where am I. I found a door and I opened it. It's so bright until I can't see anything. I felt so weird because I'm wearing a white dress. "Kristen, honey?" someone said. I recognise that voice. It's mom. "Mom? Mommy?" I said. "I'm right here, honey." she said. I looked at her and hugged her. Suddenly, she disappeared. "Mom!" I shouted.

"Mom!" I shouted. Oh, it was a dream. "Kristy?" Cam said in a sleepy voice. "Sorry, Cam." I replied. "What happened, babe?" he asked. "I dreamed about my mom. She's g-gone. I saw her at somewhere l-like heaven, I don't know because it's bright. She suddenly disappeared,Cam. I'm afraid, Cam. I don't wanna leave her side." I said crying. "I will never leave your side." Cam said. He hopped to the bed and wrapped his hand around me. He made me safe. He's the one. "What is this, Cam?" I asked. "I don't know, babe. Maybe we're more than that." he replied. "But we are." I said. "I love you, Cameron Dallas. Till the end of my life." I said again. He kissed my cheek.

I woke up the next morning with Cameron. I slept on his chest. It felt so safe. But then, I realised. "Oh my God. My dad will kill me." I said. "Get up, Cam!" I said throwing the pillow to his face. He woke up and brushed his eyes. "It's Sunday. Chill." he replied. "Yes, Cameron. But my dad will kill me seeing I sleep with a guy. We're not even married." I said. His eyes widened. "Okay." he replied. "I'm sorry, Cam. I don't mean to hurt you. I love you Cameron. I have to go. Bye." I said.

I went to my house and thanked God. Dad's not here. I took my bath and I wore blue plain t-shirt and a short pant. I put my hair down. I sat on a couch and watched tv.

"Honey, I'm home." my dad said. "Hi, dad." I replied. "Did you text Dave?" he asked. "Oh. I forgot, Dad." I replied. I ran upstairs and lay on my bed. I called Dave.

D: Hello?

K: Hey, Dave. How are you?

D: Good. Good. Just arrived at L.A. You know what? I'm gonna purpose Karen.

K: Oh, I know. Dad told me. Good luck.
D: Thanks, sis. Okay, I'll be going. Bye. Love you.

K: Bye, Dave. Love you too.

As I ended the call, I lay on my bed. I saw Cam in his room. He was exercising while listening to music on his phone. He was shirtless and wearing sweat pant. He looked at me and smiled. He made the sign 'I love you' to me. I chuckled until dad came. Dad opened the door and I quickly closed the curtains.

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