Is this for real?

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The day had been long and tiresome. Amelia wasn't even sure if being in the Garrison with Ada was a good choice as she was pretty certain one drink and she would be on her way. Ada was trying her best not to show her temper, her family had become overbearing and she was trying to downplay the situation.

"I'm sorry about them, bunch of idiots who can't keep their noses out" Ada huffed before taking a deep sip of her whiskey.

Amelia sipped hers gently "Ada, it's not an issue. I'm a big girl. I can handle a few questions!'

"I know you can but you shouldn't av' to" just as Ada finished Amelia noticed a tall young man making his way over to their table. He stood at 6 foot, dark hair with large green eyes. Ada has realised her friends attention was elsewhere and suddenly became aware of their new situation.

Ada started to smirk

"Sorry to bother you Ada and" he turned to look at Amelia "Amelia, just wanted to say thanks for looking at my mam and making sure she was okay' and he gave her a warm smile.

Amelia politely smiled back "I take it your Mrs Wallson's son?"

"Sure am"

"I'm only doing my job- what's your name?" And she suddenly felt his confidence falter, he was use to girls swooning at him and expected a gush of 'you're welcomes'

"Jack Wallson"

Sticking her hand out she waited for him to shake hers, he politely took it and shook back. Ada was smirking over her whiskey, relishing in the awkwardness.

"Well Jack your mother needs to rest in the evening so give her a hand okay? Or no doubt I'll be seeing her again" and she smiled at him then while letting go of his hand.

"Of course! Wouldn't want her talking your ear off every week now would I? And he pushed his hand through his hair "speaking off, mam said you would like it if I took you out on a date- you know show you around Birmingham"

Ada spluttered her whiskey across the table, bringing the attention of the people on the tables close by. Amelia wasn't often lost for words but right now not a single one came to mind.

Ada on the other hand was too busy watching her brothers from the bar staring at them. Sauntering in only seconds ago their full attention was now on Amelia and Jack. Amelia had also realised that a lot of new attention was now on her and had to act quick.

"Yes, that would be lovely" she breathed out, dying for the ground to swallow her up. This was not what she wanted to say but she had to keep up a perception of control at all times. No surprises.

"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:30pm" and with the biggest smile on his face her turned on his heels and sauntered out of the pub. Completely unaware of his surroundings Jack had exited the pub without seeing the close eyes of the blinders.

"Oh fuck Amelia"

"What just happened?" She breathed out, taking her glass and downing the remaining liquid. It was only after she had finished her drink did she notice the bright blue eyes burning into her, sizing her up at the bar.

"You got ya self a date!" Ada laughed "that boy has some god damn nerve coming in ere' all confident'

Amelia sat back and groaned. This was the last thing she needed in her life right now. Dating was a dangerous came she just didn't want to entertain anymore. Already she was thinking of ways to politely cancel.

Looking up to ask for Ada's assistance she saw John Shelby making his way over with three whiskeys

"Alright ladies- here's a drink" and he sat down into the empty chair across from them. Toothpick nestled in his front teeth.

"What do you want now John?" Ada seethed, grabbing at her drink.

John smirked and put his hands up while taking in Amelia. His eyes lingered a little to long on her chest area but she let it slide....for Ada.

"Just thought I'd come over and introduce myself to your new friend"

"Well you have now so fuck off will ya?"

John chose to ignore her and leaned over the table at Amelia "Our Arthur tells me you where in France, fixing us lads up"

The words entered her brain, registered and she felt her body stand up. It was abrupt enough that she hit the table and her drink slid off. The smash didn't faze her nor did the stares of everyone around. It was the exit that she could see now, tunnel vision and she was out.

"Amelia?" Ada stood up and touched her arm.

A practised smile graced Amelia's lips "I have to go" She she grabbed her bag and left the table, her head held high but her heart dragging behind.


Ada had to be dragged into the private room of the pub by Arthur to stop her from viciously attacking her brother John. John was confused but relishing in the fact that he had gotten a rise out of Ada

"ADA ENOUGH!" Tommy barked, his hand slamming down on the table.

Ada spat at Johns feet and pushed off Arthurs restraining hands "Fucking idiots the lot of ya" and she rounded on Tommy "how the fuck would you like it if someone asked you about France?"

Tommy didn't answer, instead he chose to light up a cigarette and sit down. Nobody wanted to talk about war, it had ravaged the people far to much, especially Tommy. It was all he ever dreamt about and that's why he chose to stay awake, to plan, to take control of every aspect of his life. The shovels only got to him when he slept.

Tommy took a look drag of his cigarette and thought about Amelia leaving the Garrison. Dazed as she swept out of the room, her body and brain barely registering with one another. A sense of home washed over Tommy when he saw her rush past and it was a hard feeling to ignore.

"Tommy?" Arthur waved his hand in-front of his face


"Ada's gone-fucked off to tell Aunt Pol so expect an ear full tonight"

"It can wait Arthur, I've got business to take care of" and he stood up, grabbed his coat and rushed out of the door, through the pub and into the fresh air. Lighting up another cigarette he made his way through the streets of small heath.

Drunkards and whores where out light moths to a flame. The smell of thick smoke and dirt filled his lungs as he made his way to her house. Standing in-front he saw the only light on was the upstairs bedroom. Amelia's silhouette standing their, observing something he could not see. Amelia lifted her hand to the bun in her hair and pulled at the clip, releasing her brown hair to cascade down her back. It almost made him choke on his cigarette when he realised that she didn't fit in this picture and never would.


Arthur wasn't a stupid man. In fact Arthur saw himself more as a do-er rather than a thinker. Yes, he could see what needed to be done and would just do it. Often this would get him in to trouble but he was certain of what he was doing this time. Would even put a bet on it!

"Just warn him off yeah? Peaky style. If he gives you any shit then give it to him but for now it's a warning"

"But Arthur why? I mean does he owe money?" Jinx, one of Arthurs men questioned. Jinx had done the bidding of the blinders since the war ended. Jinx was the one to collect payment when people refused.

"Don't worry about that!" And Arthur smacked him on the back while pushing a pint towards him "just get it done will ya?" And Jinx nodded eagerly, ready to please and get paid.


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