Walkin' With The Devil

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Tommy felt her lips respond back as his fingers weaved into her hair, suppressing the growl in his throat he gently pushed her against the door of the office. Tommy felt her hands on his chest as he guided her backwards and he wanted them to explore him. As her head bumped the door it was like a shock to her body and she felt herself pushing him back. 

Amelia's hands flew up to her mouth, her eyes watering up with tears at the sheer shock of what had transpired. Tommy was stood back, his right hand outstretched to her still but his face was completely neutral. Trying to convey calm to her he took a step closer. Tommy had pushed too far, he hadn't calculated this move incorrectly.

"Don't  move" she hissed at him, her breath ragged and uneven. Amelia quickly wiped at her mouth like the most disgusting thing had happened. This has never happened to Tommy before, hell if girls weren't falling at his feet or trying to get his attention he clearly didn't know how to act. Amelia however felt like her lips where burning, taunting her to carry on and give in again.

Taking in a deep breath she finally looked up at him and hissed. Amelia was cursing herself every swear word she knew internally. The battle to not hit him was proving difficult and her thoughts went to leaving.

"You shouldn't of done that" she whispered, her heart still thumping in her chest. Amelia was pretty sure he could hear it.

Tommy was angry at putting himself in this situation. Regret tasted like poison on his tongue and he couldn't believe it. His steely eye's bore right back into her, warning her to back off.

"You didn't mind while it was happening so back up eh?" and he took a step back, his eye's darting from her eyes to the door behind her head.

Amelia closed her eyes and swallowed trying to calm herself and think rationally.  As her lips burned and the taste of him remained on her tongue she began to feel her feet moving. Turning towards the door she opened it wide for him but kept her eyes firmly forward. As soon as he left she could begin to think straight and clear her mind, well that's what she told herself.

Tommy didn't waste any time as he walked by her and out the door, his pride in the gutter but his anger raised and ready to burn in his head. As he left the building it took everything in him to not pull scream his rage out into the streets of Small Heath. 


Amelia was sat in her kitchen the following morning staring into her tea. Was last night real? had she made the whole thing up in her head? The embarrassment was still setting in which confirmed that it was still very much real. A groan slipped her lips and she placed her head into her hands and thought about packing up a small bag and leaving for the weekend. Amelia was suddenly on her feet and heading towards the stairs when there was a knock at her door.

Amelia decided to ignore it and creep up her stares to begin packing. Another knock but she was determined as she headed upstairs and began throwing an overnight bag together. As she stepped down her stairs a familiar smell hit her nose and she paused. 

Telling herself that she was being stupid she carried on and turned to get her coat from the kitchen when she saw him, sat there at her kitchen table.

"You shouldn't leave your doors open Miss Crostwell" he said as he placed a cigarette in his mouth, the smoke dangling from his lips.

"What the hell are you-"

"I've come to call in my favor , the one that you owe me" and he looked down at her hands and saw she was carrying bag. Dropping the bag she stormed into the kitchen and stood in front of him.

"Now is not the time Mr Shelby"

"Now is a perfect time" and he stood up, grabbing her by the top of her arm and tugging her towards the front door "There is a pregnant woman who is expecting us" and as he reached the front door he grabbed her coat and roughly passed it to her. "Don't worry I've got your bag, it's in the car"

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