Take Me Down

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Have you ever been so lost in a nightmare, so scared of the night that as soon as your eyes open you instantly sit up? Heart in your throat, tears sliding down your cheeks and your hands gripping the bed sheets?

Amelia did every night she closed her eyes. The fear that gripped her body was enough to cause a heart attack but her body kept going. The war had left her scarred beneath her skin, it was etched in her bones and seared into her brain. Damage.

This time the dream had changed. Instead of being trapped with screaming men she was trapped with Tommy Shelby. Every time she ran across the tent to save him he would disappear, her screams echoing through her own ears.

It meant nothing, she told herself. Amelia was just dreaming of him because he was the last person she saw on a stressful day. Biting her lip she swallowed the hurt she was feeling and swung her legs out of the bed.

Still dazed she let herself think about him. Since she arrived he had been there every step of the way. Whether it was his warning, Amelia throwing a drink at his face, his midnight kiss, pulling a bullet out of his chest-

Amelia closed her eyes. It was stupid to think about him when she was this vulnerable. Tommy clearly only sought her attention when he required information or an emotional release. It was draining but she didn't know how to stop.

There was an envelope on her kitchen table that she had to deliver to him today and knew that in doing so she was giving in to him.

Amelia was heading towards the Garrison after work with the envelope burning into her side. The plan was to drop it into Tommy and leave. There was no need for pleasantries.

As soon as she stepped in there was a glass of whiskey placed in her hands by Arthur and she was ushered into the snug where Tommy was waiting for her.

As she walked in he admired the way she always held herself firm. Amelia was hard to read and she only let you see flickers and he liked that. Preferred the challenge.

"Sit, please" and she sat with the envelope on her lap.

Cutting right to the chase she spoke up "I found the info you required...there is some bad news"

Tommy sat up straighter and motioned for her to carry on.

"Polly's son Michael is alive and well, he lives only an hour from here. The daughter unfortunately passed recently overseas- I don't have much information on the how but her file is on its way" and Amelia slipped Micheal's file across the table.

Tommy eyed her and thought about the information she was relaying. His eyes flickered to the file and he wondered how Polly would take to the death of her daughter.

Amelia suddenly stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his tone abrupt and firm.

Amelia sighed "I'm going home" and she turned to leave but he stood up quickly and pressed his palm firmly to the door.

Rolling her eyes she turned to him "Look I'm really not in the mood-"

"Not a word to anyone about this" he growled, his eyes slipping between her eyes to her lips.

Amelia rolled her eyes and pressed herself close to him, her hand slipping by his waist and grabbing at the door handle.

"Excuse me" but she didn't wait before she gently opened the door, forcing him to step a side.

As she entered back intro he pub she said bye to Arthur and John before she left. 

Isiah slipped into the pub to meet John, taking off his hat he accepted a beer from Arthur.

"Just passed nurse Crostwell" he whistled and licked his lips "Now that's a woman" and he took a sip of beer, ignoring the looks from John and Arthur.

Underneath It All- Tommy Shelby Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now