Keeping One Eye Open

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Hi everyone!

Currently stuck in isolation, trying everything to keep occupied so I hope you enjoy this next chapter. I do want to warn you that it's going to be a slow burn but I promise it will all be worth it.

Amelia was nervous and on edge this morning. It was the dinner that she was expected to attend tonight that was setting her off. It was a simple dinner she told herself. That was all. It didn't help, as she made her way to work she was distracted and distant. Jane had tried to talk to her, complimented her new skirt and top but all Amelia could do was smile robotic-ally and make her way into her office.

It was the dinner with Peter that was setting her off. The last time she saw Peter Greene was in France covered in blood and vomit. The whole three days where she was left to look after forty injured soldiers which included him. Peter helped the best he could but he was hurt himself and she often found herself all alone wishing that someone would just reach in and save them all. Amelia could have sworn that seeing him again bought back the smell of blood, infection and dirt. That night she spent in her room trying to stop the ride that she was now on.

Now sat in her empty office with the night planned ahead of her she wondered how rude it would be if she cancelled. Pretended to be sick? Pretended that she had an emergency? but then she groaned. Amelia could not do that to him, he was her only friend in her time of need and she wouldn't let him down.


Amelia entered a small house just two streets behind the Garrison. Amelia was instantly greeted by two rambunctious boys whizzing around their parents. Jack and Jerry where the spit of their mother who was a small beautiful woman with dark brown hair, hazel eyes and big smile. Amelia felt like she knew Jess her whole life.

"Here let me take your coat" Jess grabbed at Amelia's coat and told the boys to place it upstairs.

"You home is beautiful Mrs Greene" Amelia complimented with a gentle smile.

Jess grinned back and shook her head "Peter said you where sweet! Come on dinner will be done soon" and Amelia followed them into a small kitchen at the back of the house. Peter was stood tending to a beef joint that was resting on a large chopping board.

"Hi Peter, nice to see you pitching in" Amelia teased as she took a seat next to Jack who had just returned from upstairs.

"Ha ha! I always pitch in. I'm a modern man" and he bowed at his wife and they both shared a small laugh.

The evening was a success and Amelia soon began to feel herself loosen up as they talked over dinner. Peter was currently working in the automobile factory and Jess was working in a local book shop, both doing their best to provide for their two boys.

"You know, I always said to Peter that if I ever got to meet the woman that saved his life I would tell her that I was thankful to god for putting her on this earth" Jess beamed as she grabbed Amelia's hand across the table.

Amelia tried to not pull away and to accept Mrs Greene's comment but she didn't feel the same. Taking her hand away to sip at her tea she quickly turned to the boys.

"I cannot believe how much you both look like your father" and she leaned over and ruffled Jacks hair much to his many protests.

Jess laughed and looked at her husband will all the love in the world. Amelia instantly felt envious of what they had and the normality of it all. This was something she was certain would never grace her life.

"Boy's go wash up and get off to bed now" Peter called as he began to clear the table.

It wasn't long until they had moved into the living room with a small glass of wine which Amelia suspected was saved for best. 

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