Equal Parts

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Amelia suddenly opened her eyes, her brain zapping her awake. Quickly sitting up she patted the bed for a body next to her. The bed was empty. Amelia's heart sank. Tommy was gone and there wasn't a note. Amelia instantly felt regret and guilt, having revealed herself to him in such an intimate way.

Tommy kissed her, took her home, cared for her...the gangster that breathed fear into anyone that looked at him had done all that but she it wasn't so the assurance she needed.

Amelia felt weak because of him. At the start of her time here in Birmingham she was full of gusto and not an inch of fear. Now she sat in bed, her legs stinging and her heart heavy.

This is why Amelia never let anyone get close to her in fear that she would be rejected. Tommy was never clear in his in his motivations for her and she couldn't take it any longer.

Amelia wasn't with Tommy. Amelia was a single, successful woman who didn't need to rely on a man to make her feel good, she could get up and feel free.

That's what she told herself as she bathed, checked her stitches, placed on a new dress, slipped on her body cream and light make up to hide the bruises. Finishing up with a light spray or perfume she grabbed she coat and bag and decided to go for a walk. It would ensure her wounds healed correctly.

As soon as she stepped out of her door Arthur was on her "where ya going love?" He asked as he stepped to her.

Amelia stopped and locked her door before slipping the keys in her bag. "I need some fresh air Arthur. I won't be going far" and she pressed his arm to offer some comfort.

"Can't have you doing that love" he shrugged "Tommy will have my head if he knows you're out"

Amelia sighed "I don't understand this" she muttered to herself. "I'm going for a walk Arthur. If your brother has a problem with it then he can, well, get over it!" And she walked off, ignoring her pain.

Amelia didn't make it far before she had to take a break. Hissing to herself she instantly regretted leaving her house. People ignored her as they walked by, some even walked across the street to avoid her and she was pretty certain it was because of Tommy.

Amelia rolled her eyes and began to walk again only to cross the path of Jack, a man she had briefly dated on her arrival in Birmingham. Jack paled at the sight of her and trained to walk across the street.

"Jack please!" She called "Can we talk?" She pleaded and his eyes finally returned to hers, his nerves apparent.

"There's nothing to say" and his eyes nervously darted across the street.

Amelia sighed and took a few steps closer to him.

"Can we go somewhere and talk? Don't worry nothing will happen! They won't hurt you" and Amelia pleaded with him.

Jack took off his cap and brushed his hair back.

"I've got half an hour before I've got to be back"

Amelia smiles brightly "Great!"

Jack and Amelia where now sat in a small cafe that had a few other patrons in. Sharing a pot of tea Amelia could tell that Jack wouldn't relax so she decided to open the conversation.

"It wasn't Mr Shelby who ordered the hit" Amelia said as she spooned sugar into her tea "I believe it was Arthur. It wasn't supposed to happen" and she tried to offer a sympathetic smile.

"Why did he do it then?"

Amelia shrugged "Not a clue but I got them back" and she laughed slightly.

Underneath It All- Tommy Shelby Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now