Baby's Breath

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Amelia worked hard and quick. There was a sheen of sweat building across her forehead as she coached Esme through the birth of her beautiful baby girl.

As soon as the baby was free Esme burst into tears and smothered her baby in kisses. Amelia felt a huge weight off her shoulders when she checked over both mother and baby and found them both healthy.

Births where complicated and risky, it was a sign of the time. There wasn't enough care into the delivery of babies so the pressure on Amelia was really on.

As soon as Esme and her baby girl where settled Amelia cleaned up and headed back to the Garrison with Polly. Ada had decided to stay until John was back.

"Another baby in the family" Polly breathed as she fumbled in her bag for her cigarettes.

Amelia smiled "and a beautiful one at that"

Polly laughed and linked arms with Amelia "It will be you soon. You'll make a wonderful mother"

Amelia scoffed and tried not to think about what Polly was saying too much. Just as she was about to reply she suddenly realised they where back at the pub and was grateful to be able to drop the subject.

Amelia stepped in first and was met with Johns eyes. Amelia grinned over at him and John suddenly jumped out his seat and slapped his hand down on the table.

"It's a girl John!" Polly beamed as she stepped in front of Amelia.

John laughed "bloody course it is', another woman to boss me about!" And John placed a quick kiss on Polly's and Amelia's cheeks before rushing off to see his wife and baby.

"Well done love" Arthur beamed as he placed a drink in Amelia's hand. Amelia took a seat next to Tommy who was sat back, relaxed with his sleeves rolled up.

Tommy eyed her before slipped a hand underneath the table and grabbed at hers. Amelia squeezed back, suddenly grateful for his warmth.


"Come on, let's go home eh?" Tommy whispered into her ear, he could see that she was tired and possible on a come down from adrenaline.

Amelia nodded and they both made their way out of the pub, hand in hand with Tommy holding her bag.

"I hear Lizzie was giving you some bother earlier" Tommy was the first to speak, his tone fixed and level.

Amelia rolled her eyes and wondered who had been the one to spill.

"I wouldn't say she was bothering me. Plus, it's all resolved now" Amelia said curtly, not wanting to think about the man next to her with his hands all over Lizzie Stark.

"It was never like this with Lizzie-" he tried

"I know" she snapped, forcing him to stop mid sentence. Amelia stopped to look at him, her eyes burning with an intensity he had only seen a few times.

"I don't care what you and Lizzie have done in the past. As long as it stopped before me?"

Tommy nodded in understanding and took her hand once again. "It stopped a long time before you"

Amelia began to walk again, softly pulling him with her. Tommy loved the way her hand felt in his, loved the way she had the power to simplify life's issues and still love him the way she always had.

As soon as they stepped into Amelia's house Tommy dropped her bag and scooped her up, ignoring her protests he began to make his way upstairs.

"I can walk you know!" She laughed before gently smacking him on the chest.

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