Under water we go

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A week had passed and Amelia was short of frustrated. Every single morning of work a large red box had sat on her desk, with no note and the same beautiful dress packed inside. Amelia had given up throwing the dresses out of the door and started giving the expensive gowns away to women she passed on the streets. It didn't take a genius to work out that Thomas Shelby was the one bombarding her with these dresses.

The gift simply wasn't welcome. Amelia didn't require anything from him nor his family and wanted to convey this as quickly as possible. Even if it was slightly passive aggressive she knew that coming face to face with him may spur another fit of anger she couldn't afford to let out. Amelia had shown him a part of herself that she had kept in for so long. The lack of control was careless and she refused to make the same mistake twice.

Ada was still hovering around, stealing quick glances at Amelia's face when they where together. Today was no different as they shopped in a little boutique in the center of Birmingham.

"Your face looks better" Ada breathed, pulling out a pale pink dress. Amelia grabbed the dress out of her hands and shook her head.

"That is really not your colour" Amelia laughed "you need something like a deep red!" and she pulled out a beautiful flapper dress that had short beaded sleeves and a fitted bodice. Ada laughed and took it from her hands gratefully.

"Now Freddy Thorne would fucking die if he saw me in this!" she twirled with the dress and stuck her leg out.

"So he should Ada!"

Amelia knew all about Ada's illicit affair with her brothers ex best friend and quite frankly she respected Ada for going for what she wants. Also, it was a big slap in the devils face.

"Speaking of dresses a little birdy told me you've gone from throwing dresses out onto the streets to gifting them to strangers" Ada chided, a sly smile on her face.

Amelia smirked and pretended to look over more dresses "Your little bird is right" was all she said.

"You know its his way of apologizing. Tommy didn't know that Arthur was going to do it..."Ada stopped, suddenly feeling something for her brother.

"His men, his responsibility. If he want's to be a gangster Ada he better accept all responsibility for the idiots he employs" 

Over the past few weeks Amelia had heard a few rumors flying around that Tommy Shelby was in full force. One rumour was that he had cut a mans finger off for information, another was that he was trying to take off Billy Kimbers empire. A small shudder ran up Amelia's back which she tried to suppress. Amelia talked a good game but she wasn't sure if she could walk the walk against a man like him.


It was late when she was finishing up her paperwork. The doctor had gone home to his wife and she had offered to complete his notes not realising it was a stack of paperwork. It didn't matter, she was better keeping her mind busy and out of her bed. Sleep was becoming more difficult these days.

As she leaned over to grab the final folder she heard a slight noise from the front of the building. Holding her breath she listened for the sound again. Just as she was about to stand up her door suddenly opened and she gasped with fright. 

"Fuck" she whispered, suddenly looking up at Thomas Shelby. Completely drenched he pushed his way in and sat in front of her "You scared me" she glared, forgetting herself for a moment.

"Good" was all he said as he pulled of his cap and placed it on her desk. Quickly her eyes found the side of his temple, a large cut slowly oozing blood down his face. Amelia didn't move to help.

Underneath It All- Tommy Shelby Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now