Every Dark Cloud

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Warning: Mature content. Also, thank you to everyone that leaves comments. I love reading them, it brings me such life! Please keep them coming.

A full week had passed in a blur. Every time Amelia had closed her eyes the memories of Peters wife falling to the ground, choking on her screams presented themselves. Amelia couldn't eat, couldn't sleep but she could work so she worked herself to the bone. Jane had tried to talk to her but she had been shut down as soon as she entered Amelias office.

Ada and Esme had tried a few times but Amelia pretended when was fine and told them that she would meet them for a drink, of course, every time she failed to show up. Tommy had disappeared or at least she thought he had, she hadn't seen him since the night of Peters death.

Amelia wanted to keep everyone out. It was a punishment for not forcing Peter to refuse the job. It was a punishment for having to see the grief in Peters two boys eyes when they realised that there dad was gone, completely gone. Never to kiss them good night or make sure they got good jobs and good advice.

News had travelled fast that The Peaky Blinders had wiped out a Chinese gang the night of Peters murder. Not one man had been left alive. The fear for the blinders had heightened and people began to buckle down and only come out when necessary but Amelia pushed on, she wasn't scared.

The young man who had snuck upon Peter that night had been killed, his throat slit and splayed across a small Chinese market. There was no satisfaction in his death for Amelia. It wouldn't bring her friend back.  However deep down she was pleased he was dead , pleased that they all where. They didn't deserve to walk this earth enjoying everything Peter couldn't.

The man who lost an eye in war, nearly died from an infection due bullet fragments embedded in his socket only to come home and die at another mans hand. There was no justice in a war he hadn't enrolled in.

The day of the funeral the skies had opened and washed down upon Small Heath cleansing it of all its sins. Amelia stood over the grave, her black hat covering the top of her eyes to prevent anyone seeing the guilt she held. As she closed her eyes she listened to the sobs of his wife and children, the pain they felt echoing across the grave yard. Having seen love up close she hated that there story was ending like this.

The ceremony was short and sweet. Mourners returned to the Marquis pub to reminisce on the good times with their friend and partner. The Garrison was sworn off, nobody wanting to be near the Peaky Blinders.

Amelia stayed for one drink but every time she tried to sip the liquid her throat closed off.  The pressure of being in a room full of mourning people began to mount up and she found herself rushing out, back into the rain.  Steadying herself against the cool air she took deep breaths to prevent herself from panicking.

As the rain slid down her cheeks she took in a deep breath and swallowed the urge to cry. Amelia slowly began to walk home, ignoring her clothes as they began to weigh her down. It was what she deserved.

If they where to weigh her down so she couldn't move Amelia wouldn't care. The ground could pull her down and take her.

And yet, she carried on, allowing her feet to take her home. As she passed the Garrison she wondered if he was in there, if he was able to sleep at night, able to eat. Did he think about her anymore?

In the mix of her emotions she pushed on, the rain now completely soaking her hair. As she placed the key in her door she felt the loneliness creep back in. Stepping in to the house she shook off her soaking coat and sighed. A light was on in the kitchen and she didn't remember leaving one on. Deciding to get a drink and head upstairs, to hide under her blanket she made her way into the kitchen.

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