Moving On

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Polly watched as her nephew stormed up and down the kitchen, his cigarette burning between his fingers spilling ash across the floor. Polly continued to watch over her glass, wondering when he was going to open his mouth. There was only a few things that could cause her nephew to become so stressed and she was pretty sure she knew what it was.

"I knew the moment I saw her she was bad fucking news" he hissed under his breath.

Polly rolled her eyes and flicked her cigarette within the ash tray. Polly was never one for sympathy especially when it was self inflicted.

"Is there something you need to get off your chest?" She asked in a slow drawl. Polly was aware of why he was so mad having been informed by Arthur only an hour before.

Tommy turned on her quickly "I fucked up Pol. I really fucked up this time" and he pinched his trousers up before he sat down in the seat across from her.

"What did you do?" And Polly began to pour him a drink. It was very rare that Tommy would come to Polly for matters of the heart and she felt almost as uncomfortable as he did.

Tommy rubbed his hands across his eyes and let out a deep breath that he had been holding.

"I don't fucking know do I!? Arthur told me that she was seen arm in arm with that" and refused to say his name for fear of his anger exploding "and I asked her about it"

Polly scoffed "Tommy Shelby asked her about it?" She muttered to herself "You accused her didn't you?" And she leaned over the table so he had to face her.

Tommy didn't say a word, he didn't have to.

"Fucking men!" Polly hissed before taking a deep pull off her cigarette "I'll keep going shall I? Let me guess you went in there all blazing hot and she kicked you out?"

"It's done Pol" and he leaned back trying to keep the situation from exploding in his head. Amelia had screamed the words at him, the same words that echoed around his brain. All he had to do was forget about her and move on. Just a woman he told himself. Tommy was never short of women, he could go out now and get one to occupy his mind right now.

"I don't think it is Tommy. I warned you about this. Women like her won't bow down just because you expect it. If she wants to court with other men she has every right. You have never asked her-"

Tommy stood up, dusting himself down "I'm not listening to this from you. I've got work to do"

"Be warned Tommy. If you keep pushing this away you'll end up the one who suffers" Polly shouted after him as he left the house.

Polly hoped to the god above that her own son wouldn't be as stubborn in accepting love.

Amelia was frustrated as she sat at her desk early the following morning. There was paperwork everywhere that she was having to sort out because of Janes sloppy filing.

It was a distraction technique that she had used many times to occupy her brain but today it was just adding to the problems mounting in her head.

Giving up she piled all the paperwork back up and piled it back on Janes desk with a note that read

These need redoing and placing in alphabetical order, today. -Amelia

Satisfied with her passive aggressive note she skulked back to her office and sat down. There was an hour left to kill before her first patient, an hour to collect herself and forget about the night before but she couldn't.

Amelia kept replaying the scene over and over in her head. Seeing his ocean blue eyes staring deep into her soul. Amelias mother always said 'once you let a man disrespect you there is no going back' and Amelia felt disrespected and unworthy.

Underneath It All- Tommy Shelby Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now