All In All

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It had felt like hours that they stood in front of the fountain, no one speaking. Amelia and Tommy's eyes hadn't left each other's after they had both looked at the ring on her finger. Amelia heart was beating so fast in her chest she was almost certain that it would stop soon. Tommy's eyes for the first time shown vulnerability and weakness and she quickly realised she had seen every side of him. Every side she loved.

"I think it would be appropriate if you got on one knee and asked me properly Mr Shelby" she teased, suddenly breaking the tension. Her mouth doing all the talking, allowing her whizzing thoughts to take a break.

Tommy snapped out of his haze quickly and smirked.

His eyes never leaving hers he slowly, dramatically leaned down on one knee and took her hand. It was a sign that they where equal.

"Amelia" and the nerves shook her name off his tongue. Amelia squeezed his hand, needing comfort from her own nerves. "I knew the day I first laid my eyes on you that you where the one for me, temper and all. There has been no one by my side that has believed in me and pushed me the way you have. Will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

As his lips spoke Amelia found her knees getting weaker and the air in her chest becoming sparse. This had been unexpected. Not in a million years would she have imagined this. Never.

But the words came out before she could stop them

"Yes! Yes!" And he rushed back up and took her in his arms, his hand just under her chin as he kissed her. Tommy was relieved, elated and on top of the world as he picked her up and spun her around the drive.

Amelia laugher as she went, her hair slipping out of her pin. As soon as her feet touched the ground she heard roars and cheers coming from the doorway. Quickly grabbing Tommy's hand she gasped in shock.

Arthur was the first face she noticed coming towards her "about fookin time! I was dying in there" he said as he came up to the happy couple with his arms wide open. Arthur was quick to kiss Amelias cheek "Welcome to the family love!"

Then it was Ada who came running across the drive like heaven was on fire, barely clinging to her hat and kissed her cheeks "I am so happy!" She screamed "Welcome to our crazy family"

Tommy laughed at his sister and then shushed her off to get the drinks.

"An audience? Well aren't you a show off?" Amelia whispered to Tommy as he began to pull her into the house.

"Everyone loves a happy moment" he whispered back as his hands grazed her lower back.

As soon as Amelia stepped into the foyer the rest of the family was waiting. Polly with a smug grin and a whiskey for her nerves, Michael, John, Esme, Finn, Linda and the whole Lee family.

Amelia was overwhelmed and barely keeping it together, her hands still shaking. So, she put on a smile and greeted everyone. Telling them off for keeping her out the loop as she went.

"Tommy'a got some bloody nerve. What if she would of said no?" Esme whispered loudly to John.

"Nah everyone knew she would say yes" John said as he kissed his pregnant wife on the head.

Amelia was then quickly guided by Polly into a big ball room that had been set up with drinks for a big celebration.

"Oh love, drink up. You look like you've seen a ghost" Polly said as she leaned against a roaring fire place.

Amelia quickly sipped her drink and began to let her eyes wander the room, taking in every detail to help her calm down. The room was dark and was aimed more towards a mans style. Amelia hopes this decor wouldn't stay.

Underneath It All- Tommy Shelby Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now