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My eyes flutter open and I'm met with sunlight beaming in. I shoot up in my bed and look at the clock. 9:30. I'm two hours late for school! By this point my teachers are probably used to this, the entire school is. I jump out of bed and over to my closet, pulling out my black jeans, a white t-shirt and my doc martens. I check my phone and so many notifications from texts from my best friend pop up.

Jade Lewis

jade: y/n where are u??
jade: please don't be late again!!
jade: you're gonna be late aren't you
jade: you know, one of these days they're just not 
           going to let you in

y/n: fine by me :)
y/n: i'm on my way

I grab my backpack and race out the door to my car. Starting the engine, I sigh. School is so useless. Why go somewhere for hours a day just to learn stuff I'm going to use when I could be out having fun? It makes no sense to me. My music blasts as I pull into the school parking lot, finding a spot and running inside.

"Here." The office lady, Mandy, sneers, handing me a late-pass. Of all people she's the one who's most tired of me, but it's funny when she's mad.

I don't even bother stopping at my locker. Instead I run down the hallway to my classroom. When I get inside, people stare, quietly laughing as I find my way to my seat. I kick my friend Luke's shin as I take my seat behind me.

"I bet you this is the actual 1000th time you've been late." He whispers with a smirk.

"Be quiet." I tell him, smiling.


"Did you hear about the new kid?" Jade asks Luke and I as we eat our lunch.

"There's a new kid?" I ask.

"Well, if you would have been here on time you would have seen him!" Jade says, giving me a look.

"It's not my fault I'm not a morning person!" I say defensively.

"Mhm, well his name is Noah Schnapp. I heard he played in one of those huge Netflix shows a few years ago." Jade says, looking around for him.

I nod, trying to think back to the last show I watched. His name sounds really familiar, but I can't pace where he's from. Just then, a huge crash sounds in the cafeteria, causing everyone be quiet and look. Standing in the middle of the room is a tall, brunette boy. He has a look of being done with everything as he stares down at his spilled lunch all over the ground. 

Noah Schnapp.

"There he is, that's him!" Jade whisper shouts to me, pointing over to him.

"Uh-huh." I reply.

Luke looks at him skeptically. Jade and I adopted him into our group freshman year when everyone discarded him like trash after he was accused of cheating on his girlfriend, which he didn't do. Even though he was able to prove it, everyone else was too caught up in  the gossip to  even care. Ever since then he's been with us. I can tell he doesn't like Noah.

Everyone resumes to eating their lunch, which lets Noah clean up his mess and walk out. For no reason, I'm tempted to follow him. He seems intriguing. Jade can practically read my mind, so she get's in my face and says,

"No more boys! We made a pact that until college, we will not date." Jade says. I love her, but she's so intense about somethings.

"I know, I know, calm down." I say, putting my hands up in surrender.

"Besides, Ebony has got her eyes on him." Luke chimes in.

I roll my eyes. Of course she does. Ebony Hastings, your cliché mean girl who is the most popular girl in town, has never not played with a boys heart. I just hope Noah doesn't fall into her trap like Luke did. Only Ebony has the power to do terrible things to someone but have no one care. In fact, every time everyone seems to feel sympathetic towards her as if she was the one who got played. I wonder how she does it.

"Well, if we're quick enough, maybe we can catch him before she does."

a/n -

hey!! since a new noah book was most requested, here it is. i hope you like it :) it may be a little boring at first, but don't worry, so much is coming!!

<3 lilia

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