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Jade wasn't mad, which was a relief. When I called to tell her that night, she was totally cool with it as long it was fake, which it is. We both agreed that I can't tell Luke. He would be furious. Not only does he just flat out not like Noah, he's so protective of Jade and I that he wouldn't like it. Ebony didn't take the news well, but for some reason didn't cause any trouble, which we were all thankful for. It occurred to me that Noah and I could just break up, Ebony is bound to move onto someone new soon, but I haven't mentioned it to Noah. I like having a fake boyfriend.

"Good morning, sunshine." Noah says as I step into his car.

"Good afternoon, actually, city boy." I reply with a smile.

Noah chuckles and we take off down the road. Every night we've held a movie night at his house, but this is our first "real date". Noah and I'll be taking an hour drive to the apple orchards, which are famous around our little town. I was excited to go, mostly because it's the perfect weather to go apple picking, but as soon as I saw Noah's face, it was for a different reason.

"What do you even do at an apple orchard?" Noah asks.

"You pick apples." I reply slightly confused.

"Is that it?" He asks.

"Mostly, why?"

"I've just never been." Noah replies.

"What! How is it possible you've never been apple picking? Are you really that much of a city boy?" I tease.

"No! It's not my fault, you should be talking to my parents, not me." Noah says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Noah balancing studying me and looking at the road. While I enjoy him looking at me, I'd prefer to not crash. So, I look over at Noah and he immediately turns his eyes over to the road and smirks, thinking I have no idea what he's doing. He better not think I'm stupid.


"Here we are." I say to Noah. He puts his hand out and I take it and lead him around. As we walk, I show him the apple cider stand, the entrance to the orchards, the shop and the little playground for kids. It's beautiful out here this time of year, so this is the perfect fake date. Noah looks around for baskets as I go and buy us two cups of apple cider.

"So, what are you even supposed to do?" Noah asks as we walk around.

"Well, you go through the trees and find the section with the kind of apples you want, find good ones and pick them." I tell him nonchalantly.

"Ohh, that makes sense." Noah replies, causing me to laugh.

"What?" He asks, smiling.

"You're just funny when you're confused." I answer, grinning.

"And you're cute when you laugh." Noah adds, shocking me. 

I just smile and look down. Don't catch feelings, don't catch feeling. All I have to do is think that over and over again and it'll come true. Hopefully. Noah reaches down and takes my hands, intertwining our fingers. He squeezes my hand and chuckles. At least we're acting the part. I lead Noah down the rows of apple trees and down a little path way to a hill. We climb up, stumbling a few times because of how steep it is. When we get to the top, I lead him to the swings that are sitting in front of us. Every year Luke and I would come up here and just hang out. I miss those times.

"It's beautiful." Noah comments, looking out over the view of the forests.

"This is my favorite spot on the entire town." I say, not really to anyone.

I walk over to the swing and sit down, slowly, pushing myself with my feet. The swings wobble and creak as the two of us sit and admire the prettiness of everything. After a little bit of silence, we stand up and walk to the benches. Being with Noah feels so natural, the silence isn't awkward, it's like we just enjoy being in each others presence. This past week has been amazing overall. Things between us different then they were before at the library. It's like we're actually a couple but are just too scared to admit it. But we can't be real, I can't do that to Jade. No matter what, I will never be Noah's real girlfriend, as much as it kills me.

"I figured we could head back to my place for movie night." Noah says.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Let me just call me dad to tell him." I reply and pull out my phone.

"Hey, Dad, would it be okay if I stayed over at Noah's for a little while longer?" I ask him.

"Of course, sweetie, have fun." My dad replies, hanging up.

"Let's go!" 


The drive back to Noah's was incredible. Both of us took turns playing our favorite songs and sang at the top of our lungs. Noah's taste is music is almost the same as mine, and it's so funny to watch him sing One Direction and Harry Styles at the top of his lungs. When we arrive at his house, we both get out and go around back to his back patio.

"I hope you don't mind that my parents are throwing a party." Noah says. I shake my head and we reach the massive group of people.

"Oh, hello! You must be the famous Y/n I've been hearing all about! I'm Karine." Noah's mother says as soon as she sees us.

"Yes! It's so nice to meet you." I reply, looking over at Noah who's blushing like crazy.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Mitchell!" Noah's dad says, walking up. Everyone at the party goes silent, turning their attention.

"I'm Chloe." Noah's sister says. I smile at her and turn to Noah, I have absolutely no idea what to do. 

"Uh, mom, we were just going upstairs." Noah says, saving me from this.

"Okay, don't have too much fun." She says, winking. 

a/n -

more of a filler chapter but don't worry ;)

<3 lilia

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