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adrian is now timmy t bc that is so much better than whoever it was before and like THANK U to the person who was sad abt it bc i love him too

lovers rock - tv girl


"Wait, so you're going out on a date with him tomorrow?" Jade asks for clarification. As soon as I got back to the dorm I told her everything about today and about Adrian. 

"Not like a date date but yeah, I guess. To be honest I'm not looking to date but you never know, he could change my mind." I spill.

"Well you can't lead him on like that, you either date him or you don't." Jade tells me.

"I know, but...I don't know. It's like I want to but I'm held back and I don't know why." I reply.

"It's because of Noah, you two have only been apart for a few months.Obviously you haven't moved on. I mean your phone background is literally you and him." Jade reasons.

Oh. I didn't even realize that I never changed it. I guess I'm just so used to seeing him.

"You're right. If Adrian wants to date I'll just have to tell him I'm not ready. I just hope he'll understand, he seems like a really good guy and definent boyfriend material."

"There you go. If he really likes you he'll wait, don't worry. Anyway, now that we've got all our boy drama settled, ready to go out to dinner with Luke?" Jade laughs. 

"Yep, let's go."



Last night was stressful. I didn't even have any homework but I was just so anxious about school and the professors. They all seem wonderful but this is all so new to me. Not to mention that as soon as Jade fell asleep I broke down crying over Noah. I guess that really showed me that I can't date Adrian. It's just bugging me though. All I can seem to think about is Noah and I'm starting to get tired of it. When I'm not stressing, I'm thinking of him and when I'm not doing that I'm crying about him. I've just gotten stuck in this nasty routine of everything centered around him.

And it sucks.

"Good morning." Adrian says with a huge smile plastered across his face. 

"Good morning." I say matching his smile.

"So I was thinking after all our classes instead of going the coffee shop we could go for a picnic out at the park near here." Adrian says surprising me.

"Oh, really? That sounds so nice, I'm in." I reply.

"Great, we'll head out after classes end." He says as we walk next to each other. 

We approach the building and Adrian walks ahead, opening the door and holding it for me. I thank him and we walk to class, talking about how the professor seemed kinda rude. We reach the classroom and Adrain holds the door open for me again, which I thank him for.

He really is a gentleman.


"Right this way, m'lady." Adrian jokes, gesturing to a small patch of grass in the shade of a tall tree. 

He lays out a blanket and gets on his knees to smooth it over. When he's done I sit on one side, looking up at the deep blue sky. The weather out her is beautiful. Adrian sets down a real picnic basket and opens it, taking out an assortment of different snacks.

"Wow, you really went all out didn't you." I say laughing at him.

"Only for you." Adrian replies, looking up at me with a smile.

a/n -

adrian do be making moves

<3 lilia

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