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this chapter is D R A M A T I C  but enjoy 

I know Y/n said that she doesn't want anything done on her birthday, but she deserves it. When we had that fight and she didn't want to be around me, I was so lost even though it was only for a day. It's like without her I can't function. All I could do was cry and think about her. So, I want to do something really special for her. Y/n told me it was the day her mom died, so I was thinking I could talk to Mr. L/n about maybe throwing a party celebrating her and her mom. I think it would mean a lot to her.

"Is Y/n around?" I ask as I talk to Mr. L/n on the phone.

"Not right now, would you like me to get her?" He asks.

"No, I actually wanted to talk to you." 

"Oh, okay. Shoot." Mr. L/n replies.

"I was wondering if you had any pictures or videos of Mrs. L/n. I know she died a few years ago and how hard it was on you and Y/n, so I was thinking for her birthday I could do something special with them." I ask him.

"That's a great idea. You know, I have something perfect for that.."



"Happy birthday, sunshine." Noah says, taking me in his arms.

"Thank you." I whisper, enjoying his sweet scent.

"I know you said you didn't want to do anything, but I thought we could go for a nice dinner." Noah says, kissing my temple.

"That would be amazing." I say happily, looking up at him and admiring his features.

"Okay, well get changed into something nice." Noah tells me, laying back down on my bed.

I nod and dig through my closet. I should've suspected something when Noah showed up at my house in a suit. A suit is pretty fancy for Noah, considering he's always in sweats or jeans. I dig through my closet, trying to find what to wear when I come across the little red dress I bought while in Santa Monica with Noah's family. Smiling, I take it out and walk across the hallway to my bathroom to change. When I finish, I apply a little bit of makeup and straighten my hair. I open the door and see Noah standing right in front of me, his eyes widening when he sees my and my outfit.

"You look..beautiful." Noah says in awe.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I say, which causes him to blush. He's the cutest.

"Ready?" Noah asks.

"Almost, can you put this on me?" I ask, handing him the necklace he got me.

"Of course." He says quietly, taking it in his hands and putting it around my neck. His touch sends shivers down my spine as I feel his fingers graze my skin. He brings his lips to my neck and trails soft kisses all over, ending at the edge of my jaw.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear from behind.

"I love you." I say, my voice faint. 


"You didn't!" I say, laughing uncontrollably and employees begin to walk out of the kitchen with a small slice of cake, singing happy birthday as they walk over to Noah and I.

"I did." He says also laughing.

"Happy birthday dear Y/n....happy birthday to you!" They cheer and everyone else in the restaurant claps and cheers.

"Oh my god." I say covering my face with my hands and laughing. They all walk away, leaving the cake in front of me with the candle burning.

"Make a wish." Noah says. 

I nod and lean over, closing my eyes and blowing out the candle.

I wish to have Noah forever.

"What'd you wish for?" He asks excitedly.

"If I tell you it won't come true." I tell him grinning. 

"True. Now hurry up and eat so we can go." He rushes, putting his card on the bill.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." 


"Okay, you can open your eyes." Noah says, the two of us stopping somewhere. I pull my hands away from my face and gasp. Noah's family, Dad, Jade, Jake, Luke, Chloe, even Ebony are standing in front of my house with balloons and a sign that reads "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N, WE LOVE YOU."

" didn't have to do this." I whisper, looking up a him.

"Yes, Y/n, I did." Noah says, peering down at me.

"I- uh, thank you?" I say, staring at everyone in front of me. They all burst out laughing and I let out a relieved sigh, smiling at them all.

"Happy birthday, Y/n!" Jade yells, running up and hugging me.

Luke comes up and I hug him, whisper a thank you to him. He pulls away and we smile at each other before I go up and hug everyone else and thank them. We all split off and talk to each other, heading inside. 

"What? Guys, seriously, you didn't have to do any of this." I say, admiring all the decorations, my eyes widening at all the wrapped presents. 

"Just be happy, okay? You deserve it!" Ebony says, putting her arm around me. 

"Okay, fine." I say laughing.

I open various gifts, all of them filming me as I do. Inside all of the boxes are clothes and jewelry, all it absolutely stunning. I fell terrible that they bought me all this stuff, especially after I told them they didn't have to. This is the first time in a while that I've ever had someone do something like this on my birthday, and something tells me it was all Noah. Everyone begins to go, leaving just Noah, me and Dad.

"Watch this." Dad says, putting a CD in and starting it on the TV.

"Hello, Y/n." My mothers soft voice says on the screen causing all the air to leave my body.

"If your watching this, then happy eighteenth birthday! You're an adult now and I'm so proud of all that you've done in your life so far. I know I'm not physically with you right now, but know that I love you endlessly. When I found out I was sick, I made a few videos for you, but most of them were pretty bad, so I thought I'd just make one big one. So here we go. Y/n, my sweet, beautiful, kind and loving daughter. Don't ever let anyone tell you how you're supposed to feel, how you're supposed to act. As cheesy as it sounds, be yourself. For the fifteen years that I've had the privilege to be your mom, you've grown so beautifully and I wish I could be with you right now. Don't be too hard on your father, I know he's probably a bit closed off, but know that he loves you. Don't be afraid to love, don't be afraid to live your life to the fullest. Always try to be happy. I know that this is hard for you, but I know you and I know you're going to get through it. I love you. Don't ever forget that. Goodbye, for now." 

I stare at the TV screen as tears pour down my face. Slowly, I stand up and walk over to the tv, falling to me knees and putting my hand to Moms face on the screen. I miss her so much. Ever since she died I've never been as happy until Noah. She was my role model and my best friend and losing her was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. Dad and Noah walk over, sitting on the carpet next to me, both if them putting their arms around me. I can hear Dad softly crying and I look to see Noah with teary eyes.

"I miss her." I whisper.

"I know kid, I miss her too." My dad says, hugging me tighter.

a/n -

ello luv 

<3 lilia

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