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sunflower, vol. 6 - harry styles

"You got everything?" Dad asks, putting my suitcase and bags into Jade's trunk.

"Yeah, I think that's all of it." I reply sadly. Tears well in my eyes as him and I share a loving embrace. This is the last time I'm going to see him until I'm back home for holiday. 

"Here, I want you to have this." Dad says, handing me the little device that holds all those videos of Mom.

"No, they're yours, you should have them." I try to tell him, but he doesn't take them back.

"I've had them for years, it's your turn." He says with a small smile.

"Fine. Thank you." I tell him with a grin.

Jade and her family come running out of their house, all her sisters bombarding me in hugs and screams. I hug all of them back and laugh as they jump up and down. Jade and her mom load her luggage into her car and all of us stand together.

"Alright, alright, you two have to go." Mr. Lewis says, waving his hands around.

"Yeah, he's right." Jade says agreeing. Jade and her family share a group hug and little goodbyes while I walk over to Dad with tears in my eyes. 

"I'm gonna miss you." I say to him, hugging him one last time.

"I'll miss you too, pickle. Call me when you get there, and don't ever hesitate to text or call me if you feel unsafe or anything like that. Oh, and, take it easy on Luke for the ten hours you'll be in the car." Dad says, laughing at the last sentence.

"Okay, I will. I love you." I tell him pulling back.

"I love you too. Have fun." Dad says and I nod, wiping the last of my tears away.

Jade runs up to me and jumps on me, almost taking me down. We laugh as walk over the the car. As we get in, all of our family cheers and yell their goodbyes. I stick my had out the window and wave at them, blowing kisses and laughing.

"You ready for this?" Jade asks as we drive to go pick up Luke.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say quietly.

This it it. This is where I leave everything I've ever known behind and go on with my life. This is where Jade, Luke and I move on from everything that has happened in this small town and start to grow up.

This is it.

a/n -

fyi, noah is going to nyu in the book lol.

<3 lilia

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