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i'm obsessed with this song


"Goodnight." I say to Noah.

"Goodnight." He says smiling.

I give him a little wave before turning on my heel and walking over to my car. When I'm inside, all I can do is smile. Just smile. This entire night has felt like a dream. Noah and I talked about everything and it felt so right. As cliché as it sounds, it was like we just understood each other. He felt like my platonic soulmate, which I will say is a little far fetched considering I met him yesterday.

As I pull into my driveway, I can see my dad's bedroom light on. Shoot. I didn't even pay attention to time. It's 1 am, two hours past my curfew. 

My dad is going to kill me.


"You talked to him again?" Jade asks as we sit at lunch with Luke in the towns coffee shop.

"Mhm, we stayed up for hours, just talking. Honestly, it was amazing." I reply.

Jade looks shocked, Luke is shifting angrily in his chair, and Ebony and Noah are at the other end of the room. I eye them, but turn my attention back to Jade and Luke. She looks worried. Luke looks mad. And Noah looks...pained. 

"Look, it's not like we're dating, we're just friends." I reassure her.

"Okay." Jade replies quietly.

"Are you mad?" I ask, taking her hand.

"No.." She says, smiling up at me. 

Luke is definitely mad. His eyes trail everywhere on my body except for my eyes as I stare straight at him. When we make eye contact, he jumps a little, shocked that I'm already looking. Luke clears his throat, adjusting in his seat.

"Y/n." The barista calls out. 

I stand a little too quickly and stumble. After I regain my balance, I walk over to the counter and take my drink, thanking the barista. Walking over to get a straw, I pass Noah and Ebony. Ebony ignores me, but Noah and I hold contact as I throw out my wrapper. Ebony notices and stops talking, turning to me.

"Hey, Y/n!" She says cheerily and fake.

"Hey, Ebony." I reply cooly.

"Noah and I were just coming here for a date!" Ebony says, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Wow, good for you!" I reply.

"It's really not-" Noah tries to say, but Ebony puts a finger to his lips to quiet him.

"Uh, well have fun." I say, walking away.

"Oh, we will." Ebony calls as I walk back to my table.

As I take my seat next to Luke, I sigh, looking back at Ebony and Noah. Jade and Luke continue in a conversation, leaving me to my thoughts. All I can think about is how Noah obviously didn't want anything to do with her. Honestly, I feel bad for Noah. Ebony is a real pain. Luke notices me daydreaming and flicks my arm.

"Ow!" I say, grinning.

"Sorry." He smirks.

"What was that all about?" Jade asks, referring to my little run in with Ebony.

"Ebony took the liberty to tell me how her and Noah were on a date and they were going to have SO much fun. Noah looked so, so delighted." I answer sarcastically, giggling. 

"Why is she like that? Does she not get the hints?" Jade asks, semi-serious.

"Apparently not." Luke says. 

Ebony has always been a sore subject for him, especially after he dumped her. Luke is the only boy ever known to break up with her. All the others were to scared and just let her do what she wanted. But not Luke. He actually has some self respect. Ebony got so infuriated with him that she spread so many nasty rumors about Luke. One of them was that he cheated on her, which ended up ruining his entire reputation. He even got kicked off the baseball team because of what she did.

None of us have forgotten about it.

"You know someday, someone is going to put her in her place and she'll have no idea how to handle it." Jade says.

"I can't wait for that day." I say.

"Me either." Luke adds.


Noah Schnapp

Noah: are you free again?

Y/n: yeah

Noah: wanna meet at my house?

Y/n: sure

Y/n: send me the address and i'll         

        be there in 10

Noah: okay

a/n -

i literally have so many chapters backed up 

<3 lilia

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