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just wondering, how many of you are from what i am??
from the dining table - harry styles


"Here we are.." I say, Jade and Luke standing with me as we stare up at the entrance.

"We should go get our room keys." Luke says, beginning to walk towards the massive crowd of students.

Earlier in the summer, Jade, Luke and I all requested to room together and they let us, except Luke has to room with Jake but still in the same floor, so I was thankful that I wasn't going to have to share a dorm with a stranger. Even though that would've been a little fun, I would have been scared out of my mind. As we walk, I fiddle with my necklace, the one Noah gave me. It's a bad habit, but whenever I'm nervous or scared, I just hold onto it and think of him and I feel less shaky. 

"Excited?" Jade asks once we get in line, noticing that I'm holding onto it. Ever since everyone thought I was missing the day I broke up with Noah for good, she's been so worried about me. I nod, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Names?" The girl working asks.

"Y/n L/n, Jade Lewis, Luke Phillips, Jake Anker." I tell her with a small smile.

"Okay, here are your keys, you will be living in Rieber Hall." She says, handing all four of us our keys.

"Looks like we're right next to each other." Luke says as we look at the room numbers.

"Yeah, well we should get our bags up to our rooms." Jake says.


"Classes start next week so we should probably start to decorate." Jade says as we admire our room. 

Since it's just the two of us, they moved the beds around so our room has tow twin sized beds with two small desks. Our beds are raised up a lot, s under them are our drawers to put all our clothes in. It's pretty small, but I think it'll look really good once we decorate.

"Yeah, after dinner we should head out to Target." I reply, agreeing.

"Good idea. Where is the dining hall anyway?" Jade asks, grabbing her phone as we walk out the door.

"No clue, but Luke and Jake are already there. Wait, he just texted the address, I'll look it up." I say, looking at my phone. I type the address into Google Maps and it pops up.

"Oh, it's only a 2 minute walking distance, it's like right around the corner." I say relieved at how close it is.

As we walk down the hallway, a group of boys are walking down the opposite way of us. One of them has curly black hair and he's really tall. Even from here I can see his piercing icy blue eyes that are absolutely stunning. We make eye contact and as soon as we do, he smiles. I return the smile and we pass each other, only breaking eye contact when we're completely out of each others vision.


He was beautiful. 

a/n -

not finn lol.

<3 lilia

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