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TYSM FOR 10K!!!!
important a/n at the end
also PLEASE go sign the petition that's in my feed and i'm going to link it here in the comments


Jade got invited to a huge frat party and since Noah is staying for the weekend, we all decided to go. It's almost 11 pm and you can hear the music blasting from the dorms. It's all of our's first real college party so I'm kind of excited. I mean, when I was in highschool I never did stuff like this. Jade and I went all out on our outfits. Not dressy or formal, just stylish and put together. 

"You ready to meet up with the boys?" Jade asks from her desk as I reenter the room.

"Yeah." I reply. Noah, Luke, and Jake have been hanging out all day since they haven't seen each other in forever. When everything was going good last year, Jake and Noah were like brothers so it's nice to see them together again.

"Have you heard about Luke's new girlfriend?" Jade asks.

"WHAT?" I yell, surprised.

"He just asked her out and stuff so I have no idea how it's going, but from what Jake's told me they seem really happy." Jade says with a smile.

"I'm so happy for him. He hasn't been himself lately. It's nice to see him like that." I reply smiling widely. 

"IS THAT NOAH SCHNAPP??" I hear someone yell from down the hallway. I chuckle and bite back a smile. As weird as it sounds, I kind of missed that. Obviously I never got noticed, but it was so cool to see Noah interact with his fans and to see how kind he is. 

Jade and I finally reach where the group is and Noah is taking pictures with a bunch of different people. When he sees me his face lights up and he ignores the people crowding around him. He walks over and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. 

"I missed that." Noah whispers down to me.

"Me too." I whisper back with a smile.

"Come on guys, we gotta go if we want to make it on time." Jade tells us.


Music blasts around us and I can't hear anything but it. Noah has one arm draped over my shoulders and we're screaming the lyrics that I barely know. Jade and Jake are making out somewhere and Luke disappeared a while ago. I never would have thought frat parties would have really been my thing, but I'm having a lot of fun. 

Noah and I are wasted. Like, the amount of beers we had is concerning, but it's just a short walk back to the dorms so we should be good. Besides, Luke never drinks so he'll be able to get us there if things go wrong. 

"I love you." Noah yells to me and stops dancing to stand still. It's kinda hard to do considering that everyone around is is moving every direction. 

"I love you." I reply smiling like an idiot.

Before I know it, Noah smashes he lips onto mine. Of course, I kiss back and our lips move in sync. My heart is racing and I'm overjoyed with the happiness of his lips being on mine. I haven't felt like this in a while and it's amazing. 

I pull away and take his hand, leading him away from where the big part of the crowd is. Noah catches on and picks my up and I wrap my legs around his torso, beginning to kiss his neck. We reach the door to the basement and he fumbles for the handle. Noah opens it and we go downstairs. As soon as we reach the bottom step he throws the two of us onto the couch. Luckily no one else is here and I think he locked the door at the top of the staircase. Hopefully. His lips attack my neck and I hum in pleasure.

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